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add more padding on forum view
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Oct 13, 2016 - 2:37 pm

i was wondering how i could add more padding between the forum title and description as well as between description and subforums.

i added a file so you could see what im talking aboutUntitled.pngImage Enlarger

sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Oct 13, 2016 - 3:28 pm

i think i got it i just added this to the css if anyone else needs this as well

#spMainContainer .spInRowSubForums {
font-size: 80%;
border: transparent;
padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;
#spMainContainer .spRowDescription {
font-family: inherit;
font-size: 75%;
font-weight: normal;
background: transparent;
margin: 0 0 0 0;
padding: 5px;

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
SP Master
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Oct 13, 2016 - 3:53 pm

Hopefully you didn't edit one of our themes to do that as changes would be lost on upgrades. 

Would be best to do in child theme or simply enter at forum - themes - custom css. 

sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Oct 13, 2016 - 3:59 pm

Yeah it was done to a child theme

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
SP Master
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Oct 13, 2016 - 5:48 pm

Okay, cool. 

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