Support Forum
I am sorry for the novice question here. I have SPF working perfectly with the general "forum" page. However I would like to have specific forums show up on specifc pages. Could you direct me to some coding examples or a tutorial?
I am a very novice wordpress user.
my site is
Thank you.
Our group is a mountain biking community and while the general forum is useful, I would like to be able to launch them straight to the Trail Work forum from a menu tab under Trail Work. Otherwise I will have to tell them there is a trail work forum and rely on them going to the FORUM page and then drilling down to the trail work forum. It is possible that I would like to launch them to specific other forums in the future as well, rather then always relying on them to open the forum and seek the particular forum they are looking for.
Thanks for the help and any ideas that you have.
If you just want to put a link/button somewhere that goes directly to a specific forum then that is possible. But from that point the user will still be able to go back to the whole. Bit it would ensure that it opens at a specific place.
We even have a template tag to allow you to do that in out template tags plugin that can be added to your WP theme template. Or - if using the WP menu builder it is possible to add it in there directly.
Actually I am mistaken. I thought we had a template tag for that but it seems we do not. But I could write one up quickly enough...
My second suggestion was that if you wanted to add the link to a site menu - most of which are created using the WordPress menu builder - then that too is easy enough as you can create menu items in that tool that are just a link to a specific url. And all a particular forum is at the end of the day, is a specific url.
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