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Fix Simple Press formatting on mobile devices
Beth Terry
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Mar 13, 2017 - 6:16 am

So, I spent all day trying to figure this out:

I went over the page line by line in Chrome Developer Tools to try and figure out what styles could be causing it.  Nothing.

I switched from my child theme to the standard Twenty Twelve theme.  It didn't help.

I deactivated every Wordpress plugin.  It didn't help.

I deactivated the Simple Press CSS files by renaming the styles folders in the SP themes, and I flushed the CSS cache.  It didn't help.  Even without any SP styles, the page content was pushed over to the left.

But as I showed you before, when I deactivated SP, the page displayed properly, so I knew SP was causing the problem.

Then, I deactivated my SP plugins one by one and discovered the culprit:  Share This.  I had all of the social media buttons activated and had been using a larger sized icon.  After removing most of theScreenshot_20170313-025944.pngImage EnlargerScreenshot_20170313-030024.pngImage EnlargerScreenshot_20170313-030119.pngImage Enlarger buttons and switching to smaller icons, the forum displays correctly.  

Here are a couple of before and after images, so you can see what happens.  The icons do wrap, so I don't know why they are affecting the layout of the forum, but I'm guessing you will want to do something about this since it limits the number of social sharing buttons that can be used.

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Mar 13, 2017 - 7:04 am

I didn't think of that. And I should have done as I did notice you had quite a lot active.

This is actually a problem with the share this service software. It creates a hidden div on the page which has a pre-defined width larger than your mobile phone display. So it stretches off of the edge. I have not seen it do before what it did with your display. I have only witnessed the problem when you use it and expose the div but I will test it again with more big buttons selected.

We live in hope that the Share This people will address this problem and rejig the div so that it gets corrected but there is no sign of that at the moment.

Good find - and sorry I missed the signs.

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