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the reason for the verification was because sometimes the wp installer gets its wrong and add a digit at the end causing the plugin to fail...
well, it wouldnt be in the install file... that's stuff only done once at activation... its of course in the widget folder, file sp-search-widget.php... and its always included in the main plugin file...
so please verify you have version 1.1 of blog search...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
It looks like V1.1 didn't get publicly released yet. It might have got stuck between a closed ticket and an open one. It seems to be working fine on my test sites though. I am sure Steve will know why and can fill us in when he get's a chance.
oh yeah, my bad.... 1.1 will be coming out this weekend (maybe should be 1.0.1 though)... wont affect anything you are doing, just a couple of notices clean up...
I am afraid I have no clue why you dont see the widget... no other users have reported and it shows up fine on my 8 test sites I checked...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
afraid I dont know any more... 1.1 should have already been released... not sure if just upgrader xml file and download are wrong, or what... but will get it sorted this weekend...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World