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Simplepress concept question
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jan 20, 2015 - 6:42 am

Hey guys i experienced a crash in my simplepress forum. was not pleasant after i purchased a membership here and fully didn't understand how simpleress really works. Does it stop working when you guys have technical issues..and is it attached to your server infrastructure in meaning it can't run on its own if you guys leave or stop working on simplepress? 



Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jan 20, 2015 - 6:54 am

Raven said

Hey guys i experienced a crash in my simplepress forum.

What does a 'crash' mean? Can not help much with such a general term so we could do with some details.

was not pleasant after i purchased a membership here and fully didn't understand how simpleress really works.

Not sure of the relevance of the 'membership' comment but as to knowing how it works what do you want to know? We will happily explain things...

Does it stop working when you guys have technical issues..and is it attached to your server infrastructure in meaning it can't run on its own if you guys leave or stop working on simplepress? 

Of course not. The only thing that it needs to do as far as our server is concerned is periodically check for updates and any announcements so that it can inform you of their availability. Oh  and the 'Troubleshooting/Help' button in the admin uses an XML file on our server. But not on the front. public side of things and certainly no dependency. 

sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jan 20, 2015 - 7:13 am

The crash was after i built some forum categories. then added a few plugins. then i went back into my admin panel and all the simplepress setting tabs were expanded and not functioning so i could not make any other changes.Then i came here to the simplepress support website and noticed that this website was having technical issues also. So i just started using another forum platform to integrate with wordpress and now feel like i have wasted my money and time with simplepress.


The membership relevance pertains to why purchase when simplepress is either compromised or un-stable without being tied to it's authors or server's dependency. 

Example is Vanilla forum..Thus I don't use on the account their phrase is you break it you fix it lol!   

or you have to pay $100 a month to be on their server platform.  



Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jan 20, 2015 - 8:34 am

That sounds more like some kind of local issue and, if it was a permanent state, a conflict perhaps with something you have active. Probably pretty easy to check for, locate and fix. Certainly the check to our server for available updates  (which I believe happens once a day via a cron task) has a very short timeout and wont affect the display although it might put a small message at the top saying that the connection could not be made.

Your choice of course.  It might have been useful to deal with the problem but as you didn't report it here there nothing we can now do.

sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jan 20, 2015 - 8:49 am

everything else i have installed like wordpress and plugins were functioning except simplepress. so something does not seem right when the simplepress forum plugin had issues, this site was acting up and I could not log in...even see this support site or even report in the mist of my issue. and I was online for several hours and still nothing until this morning.

I was going to purchase the gold membership & even have a custom theme created...and after this crash issue, I'm glad i didn't bud! waste of money and time to build a forum...then it have an un-stable capability

If everything was fine with using simplepress I would not be here posting now I am not confident in using simplepress.


Best regards



Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
SP Master
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jan 22, 2015 - 8:16 pm

If simple press was generally unstable, we would have a hard time maintaining such a large community of users...

none the less, good luck with your endeavors...

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