Support Forum
@ellen, Still investigating but Looking at the Demo site there may be an issue with PLUpload and it's JS causing an error for users. So 2 questions. Do you have the SP plugin PlUpload installed and activated? Do you receive the error when logged in as an Admin on your site or just as a user?
If you have PL Upload installed and activated check the permissions and see if these are all on. Can upload images in posts, Can upload media in posts, Can upload other files in posts. If not try turning them on, for the permission you would log in as, and see if there is still an issue.
For TinyMCE I have the following plugins: inlinepopups,media,spoiler,spellchecker,paste,wordpress,wpdialogs,sphelp. On the forum, I have the following plugins installed: Admin Bar, TinyMCE, Post Review, Private Messaging System, Subscriptions, and Watches.
To your previous question, I tested the demo site using the "mouse" account. I'll try the demo forum out using the elvis account in IE8 and see if it works.
Thanks for the continued assistance.
Brandon C said
I think your screenshot helps in narrowing this down. Are you logging in to the demo site as one of these users by chance?
godzilla, bunny, mouse
I do see an script error using 'bunny' as the user but not when I tried earlier as myself or 'Elvis'
If you did login as one of those users and you want to try logging in there as Elvis, password sp_demo it would be interesting if it then worked for you.I need to do a little testing with various permissions and settings for those users and then get with Yellow Sowrdfish on my results. May be tommorrow now before we have an answer.
I tried using the demo forum as Elvis and the TinyMCE editor loaded with no errors reported in IE8. You said this might be related to permissions? I'd be very interested to learn what you find in your testing.
Hopefully, we can resolve this issue yet!
It's looking to me that it has something to do with PL Upload plugin for Simple:Press.
Regarding my questions above:
Do you receive the error when logged in as an Admin on your site or just as a user?
On your site if you have PL Upload installed and activated check the permissions and see if these are all on. Can upload images in posts, Can upload media in posts, Can upload other files in posts. If not try turning them on, for the permission you would log in as, and see if there is still an issue.
We probably will have to wait for Mr. Papa to check into this. He is on vacation until April 1st.
I can't find any reference to PL Upload anywhere on my server! I've looked under the Simple:Press plugins I have installed, and this is NOT a plugin I have.
I think you are on to something regarding the permissions issue. It's possible that "a permissions issue" could cause a script to load partially or not load causing a side affect of this script issue and TinyMCE's failure to load. I experience this issue as both admin and under some test user acounts as well, so I don't know if there would be any permissions in SimplePress that would affect the Admin? Also, I've seen this issue in other browsers as well: Chrome, Safari, IE8/9, I think looking at the browser may have narrowed the scope of this issue.
On a post on the demo forum, when testing with user "Mouse" the TinyMCE editor would fail to load. Then, that very same post, logged-in as Elvis, TinyMCE loads up fine. This issue seems to vary though from post to post. I am posting "this" while logged in using IE8, yet if I was to try posting a new post under user "Mouse" in this forum section : then I would get that script error.
Regarding permissions on your site...
Do you receive the error when logged in as an Admin on your site or just as a user?
If you are not seeing "File Uploader with Plupload" in you Simple:Press forum Plugin's list then you don't have it on your server and, on your site anyways, there is something else causing the issue.
This is killing me!!!
I just lost two customers this morning because of their frustration with the forum. This issue makes it impossible for my users to quote others because this scripting error stops TinyMCE from loading, and in-turn is preventing the name of the user being quoted from showing in the quote.
Simply replying to a post is a headache! Users expect the ability to hit reply, be taken into the editor, and then placed into an area where they can type their post, which is just not working. Is there a developer of SimplePress I can talk to?
I need this issue fixed!!! I'M LOOSING CUSTOMERS!!!
Yes you can talk to me - even if I can not use IE. So let's tick a couple of things off to begin.
Firstly you are the ONLY person out of thousands who is reporting this specific issue. Granted - there are more issues around the use of IE than around any other browser - sadly that is common everywhere - but at this point in time your report is unique.
Secondly - as Brandon reported above - he has traced the issue on our demo forum and it clearly has no relation to yours. The tinyMCE failure on the demo site is a response to a prior error in a component you are not using. I rather suspect that the failure in your site may well also be related to a prior issue in another component.
Now for some initial questions that really need to be answered..
- Can we safely assume that both your current version of Simple:Press, the SP TinyMCE plugin and WordPress are completely up to date? That is - versions 5.2.6, 2.0.5 and 3.5.1 respectively.
- Are the instances of jQuery and the jQuery.ui.core libraries being loaded from the WordPress 'wp-includes' folder as they should be (and not from a WP theme folder or from a CDN)? And can you ensure that only 1 copy is being loaded of each.
- Prior to the tinyMCE error being displayed are there any other scripting errors being reported?
- If the answer to the above are yes, yes and no - then what other WordPress plugins do you have active please and what WordPress theme are you currently using?
let's start with those.
The answers are yes, yes, no. I'm using the Lifestyle theme as a child theme in combination with the Genesis theme framework.
I have the following Wordpress plugins installed and active:
- Advanced Menu Widget
- Akismet
- All in One SEO Pack
- Audio player
- Audio Player Widget
- AYB Javascript In Posts
- BAW Login/Logout menu
- Contact Form 7
- Context Menu Widget
- Exclude Pages from Navigation
- Exec-PHP
- FAQ-Tastic
- Flexi Quote Rotator
- Genesis Featured Widget Amplified
- Google XML Sitemaps
- Image Widget
- MSD CPT Framework
- Page Links To
- Post Type Converter
- Redirection
- Search Everything
- Show Template
- Simple:Press
- Stray Random Quotes
- TinyMCE Advanced
- Widget Context
- Widget Logic
- WishList Member
- WordPress Database Backup
- WordPress SEO
- WP Show IDs
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