Support Forum
The current behavior exhibited with the following display option "Reverse sort the list of posts in a topic:" enabled is as follows:
- Visit Forum
- Select a Post
- Redirected to the Post's last page (oldest post)
With the display option "Reverse sort the list of posts in a topic:" enabled the desired effect would be to be taken to the first page with the most recent post at the top. Currently, with the option enabled, the most recent post is indeed on the first page and at the top - the redirect on click needs some work.
Let me know if I can provide anymore information.
Goal: I'd like a snippet that would take the user to the latest post even if they have the reverse sort option enabled.
Kind regards.
Apologies for the delay - somehow and unusually, this one seemed to slip through.
I assume that step 2 on your list was actually 'Select a Topic'. But I am unable top replicate any problem such as you describe.
I will ask another team member to try it as well.
Thanks for taking the time to look into it. Perhaps I can provide a bit more information.
Please checkout this screencast:
As you can see when I click the topic, it takes me to page 7 with the reply date of October.
When I go to page 1 the reply date is December.
The location of the dates is correct; however, it should take me to page 1 with the latest reply.
Let me know if that makes sense. 🙂
semantics, I guess... the label heading says 'last post' which would be the last thread in the post (ie last post on last page)... it doesnt say 'latest post'...
but I do understand your desire...
perhaps you want to put the first post column in there instead? it links to the first post in the topic (ie page one, first post)...
we will have to talk about how feasible or desirable it would be to switch the last post to first post in this situation... Fairly complex given the amount of sort options available via global option, forum option and user option - not currently available to the template tag for last post...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
have opened a ticket to investigate changing the behavior...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
actually, while I see it in your video, we are not able to replicate this behavior... might be more settings at play and we dont have the right combo...
also, you said forum view, but it appears your screencast is from group view... is that correct?
what is the default sort order for topics in your options? is the forum also reverse sorted (see forum tools)... the string you reference is specific to a user and set in the profile... does it work as you would expect for other users who dont override in their profile?
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