Support Forum
If you go to forum - toolbox - uninstall and check the uninstall option then deactivate the simple press plugin, this will auto occur for you.
Otherrwise, just look for ones like wp_sfxxxxx where xxxx are our tables (your prefix may be other than wp_)
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I am at a loss. the buttons won't work for me in simple-press, I click on one and it doesn't do anything. I try to create new group by clicking on the menu as directed and nothing happens. I have uninstalled completely twice and that hasn't done anything to help this problem.
I'm really frustrated as this was working fine before we simply changed URL names. I'm under deadline and we are to go live on MONDAY. How do I get help figuring this out asap?
sorry, what buttons? the uninstall button? you would like more help uninstalling?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
any buttons. I couldn't get simple-press to do anything. This wasnt resolved even on 2 uninstalls and then reinstalls.
My webguy uninstalled the other plug ins on our site and then SP worked! So now we know it is an issue with another plug in. Are there any known issues between certain plug ins?
thank you for your replies, they are much appreciated.
sorry, this topic was about tables for uninstall...
doing a quick search, did you mean to post it in your other topic:
thinking so... so would be better to keep the discussion over there to keep from confusing different topics...
there can be conflicts with plugins, especially ones that dont follow wp standards or the api... can you say which one?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
(Yes this would have been better on the original topic that we moved to the support area which is asking about buttons not working).
If your SP worked locally before you moved it then the question really is what other elements did you add to the website after that. There are WP plugins - and more annoyingly - WP themes - that do not adhere to WordPress standards and can quite easily interfere and break plugins that do things properly. This was why i suggested a few days ago that you needed to look in the web console to see what script errors are happening, Your webguy should know how to do this.