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Admin "quick button"
Lee H
Coastal New England (USA)
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jul 31, 2011 - 10:44 pm

I can't remember what it is called, but it's a handy button that is (or was) at the top of the forum. When clicked a window would open with links to the backend.

What is this called? How to I enable again... or is it just gone?

I seemed to have it before disabling all SP plugins and debugging last few issues. I thought it was part of the Admin Bar plugin. But no handy button when enabling.

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Aug 1, 2011 - 5:28 am

Yes - it should be on the Admin Bar SP plugin. We will need Steve to discuss that - maybe something to do with multi-site keeps it from showing up. He keeps US time for some strange reason! so should be around later.

Sheffield, UK
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Aug 1, 2011 - 9:21 am

It works fine for me Lee as you will now be able to see.

Lee H
Coastal New England (USA)
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Aug 1, 2011 - 9:31 am


I mean Thanks for the response guys! I do have the Admin Bar plugin activated. And later last night confirmed the button I was seeking is within the source code. I'll try to take a look later to see if I can debug it.

Before the hair pulling begins... is there a simple checkbox...  ummm green button in the options that I might be overlooking that turns the button on?

Lee H
Coastal New England (USA)
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Aug 1, 2011 - 2:28 pm

Conrad_Farlow said:

It works fine for me Lee as you will now be able to see.

Actually Conrad, I don't see it? Is this how you see your page?

Image Enlarger

Somewhere in the top, I thought there was supposed to be a larger button with the word "Admin" and it had a star in it.

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Aug 1, 2011 - 3:15 pm

That's right. Top right on the admin bar plugin. Pretty sure that isn't an option so need to investigate why you don't see it. Still wondering if this is a multi-site issue. Need Steve on this one.

Lee H
Coastal New England (USA)
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Aug 1, 2011 - 4:21 pm

Thanks for the reply Andy. I'll bet you didn't realize that was a screenie of Conrads site did ya? I suppose I should of clarified. But...  It is the same on mine. No button.

Sheesh... Steve must of really needed a extra dose of beauty rest.  Heh, heh!

Sheffield, UK
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Aug 1, 2011 - 5:11 pm

Nope I see it, and you are admin so you should.

This is what I see.

Image Enlarger

Lee H
Coastal New England (USA)
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Aug 1, 2011 - 5:48 pm


If all else fails... look for the 100th time. Then you will see "Your Admin Bar Options"

In the admin options tab.

Sorry Guys!

Lee H
Coastal New England (USA)
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Aug 1, 2011 - 5:56 pm

Minor bug that will surely cause an uproar eventually.

If the admin bar is fixed to the top of the screen, it will not be visible if wp-admin bar is on. SP's admin bar will be underneath it.

Might need a condition for positioning css.

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