Support Forum
same problem?? have you given users permission to download attachments? check forum - permissions - manage permissions...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
More than likely because we fixed a bug in the permissions checking... It was doing it wrong before and letting some through and stopping others... So now that it was fixed, it showed up...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I'm having this problem where only moderators can download/upload attachments. The posts show an attachment until you click on the post to read it - then there are no attachments shown. All other registered users are using Standard Access - and "Can download other file type attachments" is ticked for this permission set.
Any ideas?
OK - I realise this might not sound relevant but perhaps you could check it for me anyway.
In the forum admin > components > file uploads > Settings box is the option 'Show uploads inserted into post content (applies to images and media) in the attachments section below post content' turned on?
Yes - I think I was chasing a bit of a red herring on that one.
In theory this should come down to permissions and only to permissions. I think you are going to need to engage the help of a user who does not see the attachment box if that is possible.
What you need them to do - and it has to be a user who does NOT see the box - is to go to their profile - select the 'permissions' tab and then select a forum where you KNOW there is an attachment they are unable to see.
In particular I think we are interested in the permission 'Can download other file type attachments' in the 'viewing' section. I.e., is it turned on or off.
Is that going to be possible?