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Broken forum mobile and tablet views after paid upgrade service to v6
Stefan Zabel
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Mar 22, 2019 - 4:14 am


Please can you urgently look at ticket #78975.

Due to time zone issues, the support person working on this ticket doesn't see the latest messages on it normally until our middle of the night in the UK. It's first thing in the morning here we really need this solved sooner.

We've paid for an upgrade to v6 but the mobile and tablet versions of the forum aren't working.

Can someone take a look asap please. Thank very much for your help with this...

Stefan Zabel
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Mar 22, 2019 - 4:22 am

Same for the other site you did for us, ticket #79404

The sites are and

I'm sure you can sort it fairly quickly, I'm just concerned you won't see the tickets until much later, hence posting here as well. Thanks

Simple Press
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Mar 22, 2019 - 4:45 am


We just responded to your ticket.


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