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Cannot update profile, null pop up
Stefan Zabel
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 26, 2019 - 9:28 am

Hi, we have 2 sites with SP.

One's working fine when you edit your profile, you get a pop up saying 'profile settings updated' or similar. On the other site, I cannot update any part of the profile, the pop up says 'null'.


Not working:

Can you advise what might be the issue, thanks

Simple Press
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 26, 2019 - 1:23 pm

Hi - can you go to FORUM->TOOLBOX->HOUSEKEEPING and click the "reset profile tabs" button?  Then give it a shot again.

If that doesn't work, can you turn on the WordPress debug flags in wp-config, clear out any existing debug.log file and try the operation again. Then let us know if anything appears in that log.

Also, check the browser console to see if any javascript errors show up.

Are you using the same theme on the second site as the first site?


Stefan Zabel
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 27, 2019 - 9:26 am

Same theme on both sites.

Reset profile tabs solved it, thanks very much.

Simple Press
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 27, 2019 - 6:22 pm

Awesome, glad to hear it.

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