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Can't add new topic and many errors
Justin Erickson
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Apr 11, 2017 - 1:10 pm

I had the forums for awhile now. I pushed it to the side for when i'm ready to use it more frequently.

The time has come. What I noticed is, the last update screwed everything up. 

With how many problems and errors I was getting, I started all over. It was that bad. I uninstalled and deleted all data. All plugins are now deactivated. Not even reinstalled yet.

1. The admin interface is not right. Remember, this is a brand new install. Just downloaded it from your site and installed it. Here's a pic. ( I have to host my own image ).

2. I can't add a new topic. Click new topic, nothing happened. Yes I have deactivated wordpress plugins and nothing fixes it.

3. When I set a redirect url for after being logged in or out, it doesn't work. It keeps going to the profile page for wordpress. Yes I have cleared the cache on my site and browser.

4. None of the profile page options display right. I have tried everything I could without messing with the code. Remember, this is a brand new install. Here's a pic.

Image Enlarger

5. Some error codes in the footer.

Image Enlarger

6. Something with the forums is messing with my SSL. It didn't happen yet on this install as I have not done anything with it yet. But the last install, every time I changed the settings it messed with my access file and bypassed my ssl. Bypassing my redirect where pages become http://.

Here's a link to my forums. I done nothing other than adding one test group.

I don't know what to do. I already invested to much money into this to let it go. 

Milwaukee Auto Market is a very dynamic community to buy, sell or trade any automotive products.

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Apr 11, 2017 - 4:50 pm

Before going in to any detail let's just start right off my saying that if SP installed like this then nobody would be able to use it whereas, in fact of course, many people do - including us here. So unless there were severe corruptions during the download and activation, this is not a product of an install but almost certainly is a product of the environment into which it has been installed.

Now for a question. You gave me a link to the forum page... was there anything in particular you wanted me to look at as, with the exception that you are using our oldest and somewhat dated theme, the page appears to display perfectly and as expected. Am I missing something?

You say that you have deactivated ALL plugins but the page I loaded that you linked me to has many plugins active. What does this mean please?

Have you tried to see what happens if you switch to using a default WP theme instead of Mantra. It would be a useful diagnostic to know if this makes any difference. Also would be useful to deactivate the advanced-classifieds-and-directory-pro plugin which is loading Bootstrap, unsupported by WordPress and very often the cause of conflicts - although it can usually be dealt with.

Justin Erickson
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Apr 11, 2017 - 6:21 pm

For the errors in the footer, it fixed itself. I haven't touched anything since I wrote this topic. 

As for the forum plugins, whatever plugins you see is by default. I have 6 plugins I bought. They are uploaded and are deactivated. 

I can't change the theme for wordpress. I have to much traffic and plugins integrated with this theme. It would change the site completely which i'm not willing to do. 

The advanced-classifieds-and-directory-pro plugin is the point of my site. That is the only plugin I will not disable. Would need to work around this theme and the classified plugin. I need the bootstrap-css for this plugin or it will not display correctly. 

I changed the theme for the forums with no difference. I cant create a new topic and the profile options don't display right. 

What would need to be done for it to work with what I have. I'm not changing my WP theme and not disabling the classified plugin. I turned off the bootstrap css and had to turn it right back on as that it how the classifieds are displayed. 

So what can I do to work around this. To place a new topic and have the profile options display properly? 

Milwaukee Auto Market is a very dynamic community to buy, sell or trade any automotive products.

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
SP Master
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Apr 11, 2017 - 9:14 pm

so the problem is that bootstrap library conflicts with the jquery ui library that comes with wp...  its why wp devs recommend not using bootstrip or if using it, being sure to make sure it loads before jquery ui...   it does not appear your theme does this...

a couple things you can try... 

are you loading forum js in the footer?  you can try this on forum - integration - page and permalink...

if so, then we can help you modify your wp theme to ensure bootstrap is loaded for compatibility with wp...  so if you find in your theme where the bootstrap.js file is loaded, we can go from there...

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Apr 12, 2017 - 5:34 am

Taking a look this morning suggests that you have managed to get around the Bootstrap issue but worth noting you still have 2 script errors which you can see in the web console. The one from 'seal' (whatever that might be) is the type that can cause other scripts to stop working and really does need fixing.

Justin Erickson
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Apr 12, 2017 - 2:03 pm

Ok, I figured out some of this issues. 

It was the bootstrap javascript libraries for the classified plugin. It was adding its own when the theme already has it. So that was the conflict with adding a new topic and the profile display. Now i'm having that plugin run off the themes bootstrap javascript. Everything seems to be working ok. 

I'm still have the issue with how the admin forum dashboard looks. Like the picture above. The functions work fine. That one i'm not sure what the problem would be.

I did just activate all the plugins and now getting errors. I'm not to sure what it means. 

Notice: Undefined index: enable in /home/mkeautomarket2/public_html/wp-content/sp-resources/forum-plugins/share-this/library/sp-share-this-components.php on line 29

I'm getting this error for each plugin activated. I was thinking it would be whipped out with deleting all the data. But after reinstalling the plugins stayed and was deactivated. Some seem to work and some don't. 

The dashboard seems to have the options for the plugins.  

The reason I activated the plugins was I couldn't edit the post. Figured id active the editor add on. Didn't work. When I hit edit the page reloads but no text to edit. It loads nothing. But the editor does work when adding a new topic. When adding a new topic everything works. 

Don't see the PM anywhere.

My ssl seems to be working and its not bypassing it anymore. But when viewing the topics there is a ! saying it is not secure. But it is showing https://.

I have attached my error logs in a text document. I can get it in the files, just takes longer.

And where are you seeing the 2 script errors? I have no idea what "seal" would be.

Thanks for the help, I do appreciate it.

Milwaukee Auto Market is a very dynamic community to buy, sell or trade any automotive products.

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Apr 12, 2017 - 3:29 pm

Use the browser's built in web console. Different menu depending upon browser. This FAQ explain s simply how to look for errors:

The messages you are getting are not errors - they are notices as they state. Mainly harmless but a nuisance and should disappear after a while. However - if you are seeing these displayed on the website itself then you need to shout loudly at your hosting support as NO such messages should ever be displayed like this. They should always be channeled to a log file. No host should set up a web server with these showing up. They are also a security risk as they disclose the path of your server.

Ignoring the admin side for now - the problems you are still having on the front end could still be down to the script errors which really need eliminating - even if only to take them out of the equation.

Justin Erickson
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Apr 12, 2017 - 4:12 pm

I go through godaddy for hosting and have upgraded to the max without getting my own server through them (I have the max upgrade with their shared server). To tell you the truth, for being such a well known hosting provider, they suck. Twice this month their servers went down and my site was down completely for 30 minutes plus. That's just what I noticed with me working on the site. Bet its more then that if I looked into the details on the stats. Not happy about it.

But, I did get ride of the errors and some issues I was having. I deleted all plugins and uploaded them one by one. And activated them one by one. They all work and are running. No problems there.

I had to modify the user groups as the users are subscribers and not members. I have to keep them as subscribers for the classifieds for emails, payments, accounts, ext... But all is working for the forums with that.

The only problem I'm still having is editing your own post. When I click edit, the page with reloads and nothing happens. No messages, no notices, nothing. It's like the page just refreshes. 

I'm going to look into the web console and see what I find. 

Thanks for the help.

Milwaukee Auto Market is a very dynamic community to buy, sell or trade any automotive products.

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Apr 12, 2017 - 4:24 pm

Might be connected to the script error but also might potentially be connected to the SSL. Are you sure all is well in that camp? Can we assume that both urls in WP admin > Settings > General are stored as https? And that the forum permalink has been updated recently?

Justin Erickson
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Apr 12, 2017 - 6:32 pm

Ok, so did some tests and my SSL is not the problem. I fixed the other errors and just left with one.

Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over a secure connection, but contains a form which targets an insecure endpoint ''. This endpoint should be made available over a secure connection.
Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over a secure connection, but contains a form which targets an insecure endpoint ''. This endpoint should be made available over a secure connection.

These errors will continue with each replay to the topic. Im pretty sure the error is with the editor function button.

As I looked into the source for what line its on, 406 and 461. Both point to this. 

There is nothing I can do with my SSL for this other than disabling it and that's not a choice lol.

So, the question is, what can I do to fix this?

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