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This is strange.
I used Filezilla to uploiad the Simple:Press plugin to my WordPress site. All is well. But I can't use the same FTP program, with the same settings, to upload plugins or themes into the folders added by SP in the wp-content folder. I can FTP the plugins or theme folder to other places on the server, just can't FTP them to where they need to be. I have even changed the folder settings to 777 and stiill not go.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
Filezilla does not work well... tons of folks with issues especially on large or numerous file uploads...
but lets check some permissions... where are you uploading them to? wp-content/sp-resources??
check the permission and ownership of that directory...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
good to hear. thanks for the update.
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I'm having a simular issue with uploading plugins. It keeps saying "Error: Critical file transfer error" when I try. I've tried adjusting the permissions a few times to different things, including 777 and i still get the same errors. I do use Filezilla, but frankly have never had an issue with uploading anything other than this and I've used it for at least 2 years now. Any other recommendations?
If need be i guess i can use a different client, but this one has worked well for me for a long time and I have all my sites already set up for it.. so I'd prefer not to set up a new one.
critical file transfer error? not sure what that is supposed to mean as an error?? other than something went wrong...
not sure what to say... its not like filezilla wont work with simple press - some folks use it fine... it gets a bad rep besides just from us... and its with large uploads or many files that it struggles.... a plugin for sp qualifies on neither...
probably a dumb question, but you did extract the zip archive before uploading?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I downloaded Cute FTP and gave that a shot and it started saying
"Request denied. Please verify that the file or folder exists and that you have the necessary permissions on the server to preform the requested operation."
Which is wierd.. cos i changed the permissions of wp-content to allow me to edit things with in it...
I check just for the sake of checking and the /sp-resources folder was 755... so i tried temporarilly changing it to 777 and it gave me that same error again:
"Request denied. Please verify that the file or folder exists and that you have the necessary permissions on the server to preform the requested operation."
Any idea why? it seems to only be happening to items in this particular folder.
so check wp-content folder permissions... check plugins folder permissions...
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