Support Forum
Hello !
I have a little problem since I've updated Simple:Press to 5.3 version.
My website is
Please check the menu with black tabs on the top : all is OK.
But if you click on "forum", you can see that the word "forum" doesn't appear anymore once the forum tab is selected.
I tried to switch to the default wordpress theme : same result.
Is there any solution to solve that ?
Thank you in advance !
Best regards
It IS strange. Especially as we have made no adjustments in that area although WordPress may have done so of course.
Try this. Go to the forum admin > Integration > Page and permalink panel. There is an option there somewhere to 'filter wp_list_pages'. If it is turned on - try turning it off. See what happens.
If you now get the word 'forum' plastered on ALL menu items then go back to the menu page and do as you did above - re-create the item as a custom link. Try that...
Hi again !
I tried to do that, unfortunately nothing changed.
After a few tests, I noticed something :
If I create a custom link called "Forum", the bug occurs anyway.
If I create the same custom link with any other title (currently "Test link to the forum"), it works !
So it's not a real solution, but it's better than nothing. If ever we don't find how to solve the bug, I'll call the menu "Forums" and it will be ok
Anyway I would be curious to know what happens...
odd, we will continue to investigate.... might be related to an seo plugin, but havent seen it before... glad you have a workaround for now...
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okay, thanks... not something we are able to duplicate currently, but will keep investigating...
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