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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Mar 6, 2012 - 6:28 pm

Hey Brandon,

I just updated to 4.0.4 and it fixed (I believe) another problem I had I discussed here... but I wanted to updated you on the paragraph issue and this is what the author had to say.

SP Wrangler
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Mar 6, 2012 - 7:10 pm

So he fixed your max width from 99% to 100%? Good deal.

Far as the paragraph left align... Overriding in the back end CSS resets it on every page of the blog not just SP pages. Since there is no issue with any blog page alignment I would think he doesn't necessarily need it in his CSS file but maybe he does for one of the options I don't use.

Easy enough to just keep in the CSS override setup.

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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Mar 6, 2012 - 7:31 pm

Brandon C said
So he fixed your max width from 99% to 100%? Good deal.

Yep!  laugh  and probably for some others too!

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