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How To Allow Users Onto Forum?
Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 13, 2015 - 10:44 am

I dont see the problem...  you can completely control who sees what in the forum... the access allowed by permission sets, user groups and forums provides that built in with simple pres... period. dot.

the use of a membership plugin can allow you to more easily automate that process, true...  but not required...  your call whether you want to use one or not...  remember, users belong to WordPress, not Simple Press...

but lets say you just want to do it the brute force way...

so have any user user that registers become a wp subscriber...  map that subscriber role in simple press over to a user group called pending...   assign user group pending with a permission set of no access to every forum on your site...  those self registered users will have absolutely no access to your forum... 

now at your leisure and choice, when you want the user to have some sort of access to your forum, simply manually approve and move that user into another user group called members...  assign the permission set standard access (or whatever role you want) and user group members to the forums you want them to access...  now they can access the forums...

as we have been saying, you can make your forums as private or public as you want...  you have complete control... 

Sorry, but I am struggling to see your confusion or issue..

Tina Willis
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 13, 2015 - 10:54 am

Mr Papa said

but lets say you just want to do it the brute force way...

so have any user user that registers become a wp subscriber...  map that subscriber role in simple press over to a user group called pending...   assign user group pending with a permission set of no access to every forum on your site...  those self registered users will have absolutely no access to your forum... 

That makes sense.  However, how to do this is not clear to me (specifically what options to choose to "map that subscriber role in simple press over to a user group called pending.").

However, after much trial and error with various membership plug-ins, I think I have found a solution that works.  I am in the process of checking and will ask again if this does not work.

I am also going to read back through this thread to try to find the plug-ins that I need.  The links I visited yesterday for the plug-ins just took me to long descriptions with downloads hard to find. I will be back if I can't find them.



Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
SP Master
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 13, 2015 - 10:56 am

you can map users to sp usergroups by wp role on forum - usergroups - map users to usergroups....

okay, we will be here...

Sawtry, UK
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 13, 2015 - 11:04 am

Taking a look at the WordPress Plugin Directory there are plenty of plugins out there that can help you to customise your site to whatever degree you like. For example, using the New User Approve plugin, you get the chance to personally approve every registration, and only upon approving does the user receive login credentials via email. I've not personally used this plugin but it seems to do what you want - This is a WordPress thing not a Simple:Press thing.

You can do everything you need within Simple:Press itself (see Forum > User Groups > Map Users to User Groups). Here you can choose what SP usergroup a WP user ends up in. If you want to keep the forum completely private, you can have a usergroup set up with no access and by default have all new users end up in said usergroup who will in turn not be able to view the forum. Now I know this doesn't really suit your needs, but it is in fact one way to keep Simple:Press completely private - Just an example..

You can take that as far as you like. You can also manually move users from one usergroup to another (In Forum > User Groups > Manage User Groups) allowing you to pick and choose who can view the forum - Not as practical as using a membership plugin or an approval plugin, but just another example of how you can achieve this within the Simple:Press admin options.

Sawtry, UK
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 13, 2015 - 11:06 am

Looks like Steve beat me to it!..

For plugin downloads, If you find one you want to download from the list's we posted yesterday, it will be in the list on the Member Plugins page, just click the title to download.

Tina Willis
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 13, 2015 - 11:10 am

Ike said

Ref post #6

It's hard to recommend which plugins you would find most useful as it's different for everyone and as Andy has pointed out, you haven't really given us an idea of what you want to be able to do / control. Things like how many users you have / expect to have, and what you are using your forum for really dictate what plugins you will find most useful, although a few basic plugins that might help you get started are:

'Admin Bar - Post Control' - Invaluable really - Only displaying to admins it adds a control to the top of the forum itself which allows you to monitor every new post made on the forum. When the admin bar is open you can view posts without having to visit threads. There are a few controls to reply, mark as read, delete etc.. Also the admin bar offers Akismet support (spam plugin) if you run that on your WP site. More info.

'User Warnings and Suspensions' - This plugin is really useful if you want a little more control over undesirable users / posts. More info.

'Forum Post Captcha' - Really useful spam prevention plugin, adds a drag and drop captcha which can't really be beaten! You can add it to the registration page to, to deal with spam signups. More info.

'Report Post to Admins' - Again really if you like the idea of having a little more control over what goes on, this plugin will allow users to report posts directly to you. More info.

'Subscriptions - Topic and Forum' - Pretty useful for most forums.. Simply allows users to subscribe to topics or entire forums and receive email updates upon replies. You can customise this plugin through the WP admin - see Forum > Components > Subscriptions. More Info.

'Preview Forum Posts' - Another invaluable one, adds a 'Preview' button when making posts. Unless it's just a quick reply most people like to preview their posts before they submit.

'Private Messaging' - Does what it says basically! Pretty useful for people to get in contact with you as an admin if you think that would be something you'd find useful, if not other members have the option to privately talk to each other. You can restrict the use of the PM system through permissions, and also through the Private Messaging tab that will appear in your WP forum page once the plugin has been activated. More info.

There are others that are incredibly useful, I've just tried to pick out the ones that will help you keep the forum clean / up to date / spam free.

Hope this helps!

Okay, so here we go again.  I have infrequently uploaded plug-ins.  Usually I use plug-ins from the WP editor.

So, I downloaded some plug-ins, then I extracted from zipped file, which leads me to many other files.  I tried uploading the zipped file (which failed), then, after extracting the zipped file on my computer, I tried uploading one of the many interior files, including the one with the word "install" included (which failed).  Would you please explain how I upload the plug-ins?  The first one I tried was the admin bar, which is the one that failed via multiple attempts.

Thank you.

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
SP Master
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 13, 2015 - 11:13 am

did you treat them as wp plugins or simple press plugins?  they are the latter...  see:

so please explain the steps and what you saw (ie errors)...

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