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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 23, 2017 - 5:25 am


i'm having issues with new forum creation. I've created this forum (screenshot):

Cattura.JPGImage Enlarger


But initially it's not visible in forum list and if i try to direct access there i receive the "Denied Access - no permissions" error.

This error is not limited to my user but also to all registered member and moderators.

After updated an user profile (from admin page), it suddenly appears for that user only.

The strange thing is that guest users are perfectly able to see and access it:

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
SP Master
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 23, 2017 - 11:59 am

and is your user a simple press admin (not asking about wp admin here)?  or just a user with normal permissions?

I am seeing some CDN activity going on here so perhaps the CDN is not working properly?  The forum page should not be cached because its dynamic in nature... so if the CDN implementation tries to be WP aware, it may think it can cache the wp page the forum appears on... but that assumption assumes static page, which wp pages do not need to be...   have no 'proof' of this of course, just seeing CDN things on the page so wondering out loud...

we have no delay (caching or otherwise) in forum availability so a bit odd and reason why it sounds like caching of some type...

also, worth mentioning I see that your wp theme violates wp standards by loading its own version of jquery ui...  this may conflict with the version the wp loads or uses... and of course, other plugins expect...  so you may run into other odd things happening... in fact, if your theme loads it in the wp admin, it may be the cause of your accordion issue in other post since the accordion uses jquery ui...

sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 24, 2017 - 6:33 am

Yes i've an admin user

However could point me which is the jquery plugin that doesn't follow standards? 

I can't find it in webtools

About CDN, i'm using cloudflare to speedup my site, is it incompatible?

sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 24, 2017 - 6:53 am

However @mr-papa  i don't think it's a client-side cache issue since as i said, a guest user (the most cached one) is perfectly able to see that forum in list and access it.

I think there's a mess in permissions or something else.

I've found the jquery.ui loaded in frontend by our theme, but it's not loaded in backend

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
SP Master
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 24, 2017 - 12:20 pm

as to CDN, again it depends on the implementation...  if it thinks it can do things specifically for WP, like cache a wp page, it may work incorrectly since a single WP page is used for a forum display...  the appearance of many pages is simple url rewrite magic...  fundamentally, CDN can work and we have users that use forms of it...

you could try a simple test and turn it off or clear and see if things clear up..

Visiting and/or updating a user profile in admin wont affect which forums you can access at all...  but it could affect a cache...

obviously, I cannot sit here and says its a caching issue, but its acting like one...  and user permissions wont be affected by a profile update - they are completely separate - admin capabilities in the backend could, but that is not the issue here...  there is really no way for permissions to get out of whack and then self correct (including by profile update)...  some overt actions in the admin (like modifying a permission or forum or housekeeping panel actions) but not an admin profile update (that is wp territory)...

will keep the accordion issue in the other topic...

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