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new topic link not working - conflict with WP plugins from
Mark Orton
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 29, 2017 - 6:29 pm

The new topic link was not working.

I isolated the Toolset Types, Views and Layouts plugins from  OnTheGoSystems as creating the problem. However, I use this set of plugins extensively on this and other sites. What can be done to fix this problem? I am not a programmer so I cannot give you any more information.


Here is my current environment:

Simple:Press   Version:
Build: 14770
Release: Release
WordPress   Version: 4.8.2
Language: en-US
Character Set: UTF-8
Theme: Magazine Premium
PHP   Version: 5.6.31
Memory: 200M
Max Upload: 20M
Timeout: 300
MySQL   Version: 5.7.18
Prefix: wp_
Server   Version: Apache
WP Plugins   Contact Form 7 (4.9)
Easy Footnotes (1.0.10)
footnotes (1.6.5)
Inline Notes (1.0.0)
Jetpack by (5.3)
Medium (1.4.0)
Ozh' Admin Drop Down Menu (3.6.10)
PayPal Donations (1.9.3)
Recent Posts Widget Extended (
Simple:Press (
Simple Tags (2.4.7)
TinyMCE Advanced (4.6.3)
Yoast SEO Premium (5.4.2)
Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
SP Master
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 29, 2017 - 6:39 pm

Afraid we have never heard of that plugin...  One thing that would be worrisome is how it alludes to working nicely with bootstrap themes...  which tend to not work well with wordpress since bootstrap is known to conflict with the jquery ui theme that ships with wordpress... unless of course, the theme takes care to proper load bootstrap to ensure its loaded before jquery ui...

it could of course be something different...  what does not work about the new topic link?  any errors in the php error log on the server?  any errors in the browser console before or after clicking on the link?  could be other javascript conflict...

do you have link to your site so we can take a quick look for obvious conflicts?

Jeff Hinz
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Oct 30, 2017 - 7:44 pm

I am having the same problem.  The New Topic link is not working.

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
SP Master
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Oct 30, 2017 - 8:47 pm

same problem? so you are using the same problematic plugin??  not sure, but usually why best for new topics...

If other, please explain your situation...

bootstrap theme?  any errors in php error log?  what about the browser console?  loading proper jquery and jquery ui libraries? see

need some info to help...

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