Support Forum
1) Here is my Profile tabs.
2) Here I revert them back to the english version.
3) Here I hit the "Reset Profile Tabs" button.
4) And here is how they become after the reset.
5) Here is the error message I get.
6) The tabs I hadn't translate at all at first place (because I don't use them) work fine.
I am with Andy... thoroughly confused... we certainly cannot provide greek translations for those.. they dont exist and can only exist when edited by a user on that ordering admin menu...
where does pic 1 come from??? when you say you revert to english, how?? did you manually type them on the ordering panel?
for now, you could try going into simple-press/admin/library/spa-support.php and around line 746, comment out these lines
# overview message $spProfile = sp_get_option('sfprofile'); if (empty($spProfile['sfprofiletext'])) { $spProfile['sfprofiletext'] = 'Welcome to the User Profile Overview Panel. From here you can view and update your profile and options as well as view your Usergroup Memberships and Permissions.'; sp_update_option('sfprofile', $spProfile); }
then the text on the overview wont be reset with the toolbox houskeeping..
but I still dont understand how you got here...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Mr Papa said where does pic 1 come from???
Pic 1 displays my profile after I enter the greek translations and hit "Update Profile Tabs and Menus" button on the bottom.
when you say you revert to english, how?? did you manually type them on the ordering panel?
for now, you could try going into simple-press/admin/library/spa-support.php and around line 746, comment out these lines
# overview message $spProfile = sp_get_option('sfprofile'); if (empty($spProfile['sfprofiletext'])) { $spProfile['sfprofiletext'] = 'Welcome to the User Profile Overview Panel. From here you can view and update your profile and options as well as view your Usergroup Memberships and Permissions.'; sp_update_option('sfprofile', $spProfile); }
then the text on the overview wont be reset with the toolbox houskeeping..
I did it like this but the toolbox again reset them.
but I still dont understand how you got here...
I just translated the tabs and everything worked normally. Then I installed the private messaging plugin and translated the buddies and adversaries section. After that begun the problem (the error message in the profiles). I uninstalled the pm plugin but the problem persists.
And the oddest thing is that if I login with a mobile device, everything works normally. The unusable-profiles problem happens only in the desktop version of the site (with every theme and every browser)
@mr-papa -
Apopas has sent a Pm to us both with credentials to take a look. I am wondering if the reason that the greek translated tabs and menus failed to load is something to do with the translated text being filtered by one of our display filters and failing. After all these are extended characters.
But I am not sure what filter is being used as, to be frank, I can not find where the filtering takes place and the form is loaded and displayed.
Take a look at the tabs and menus panel in the admin and see what you think. This is currently my only thought that makes any sense...
kind of a noob on translations..
Afraid no time tonight - damn long day... apologies... will try to tomorrow night...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
man, took awhile, but I was looking in all the wrong places based on what I was reading here... now know what you guys were trying to say...
the issue here is definitely that the menu names are translated and showing up in the url... they should not be and we never intended them to be... so will need to figure out how that occurred... the menu name in the url should stay English, just like the tab name does...
off to investigate...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I am quite confused here... the code seems right for when changing the tabs and menus name...
what is troubling is that I change my local test to be exactly like yours and I dont get the problem... nor can I get the actual slugs in the url to be translated like I am seeing on your site...
so now wondering if the reset tabs and menus is the culprit, but again, it works fine for me..
did you ever translate the simple press admin?? wait, it says you are, but there are no translations there... hmmm...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
so its fixed... not sure why... well, I know what I did, but will have to see why...
I did another profile tabs and menus reset on your site... and then re-entered the tabs and menus translations... and voila its working...
but, one thing I did before the reset tabs and menus was to remove your copy of the simple press admin translations... you didnt seem to be using it anyways (nothing was translated)... then when I did the reset all was fine...
so somewhere in the reset, it was picking up translated menu names and failing... it shouldnt use translated menu names... but since you didnt appear to have any translations anyways, not sure where they came from...
I will have to investigate further why that was happening... but you should be good to go...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
glad to help... still need to figure out how they were leaking to each other...
you should be good to finish the translations on forum - profile - tabs and menus if you like...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World