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Permission Sets with Plugins
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Oct 22, 2018 - 10:56 am

Is there any way to have different plugin options by Permission set?

For example, Let's say that I have a permission set for a Gold Member, and another for a Platinum Member. I would like to offer Platinum members greater storage for, say, the number of Private Messages or the number and size of images that they can store. These options, and others on other plugins, seem to have a global setting, but it would be really helpful to be able to set them by permission set.


Simple Press
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Oct 22, 2018 - 2:34 pm


Just like your prior post, unfortunately, that's not something that is possible today. I guess you're looking to build a tiered membership forum based on forum features?


Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Oct 23, 2018 - 2:13 am

"I guess you’re looking to build a tiered membership forum based on forum features?"

Yes I am. I'm already running such a site and am migrating it over to SP.  Currently, Premium Members get additional forum features that I want to replicate on new build... I was hopping not to have to rethink the proposition. However... unless it is some bespoke work that could be provided. Are you still open to that work?


Simple Press
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Oct 23, 2018 - 3:38 am


Yes, we do bespoke work.  But that, of course, is never cheap - dwarfing the costs of the basic plugins many times over. If that's a road you would like to go down we should take this conversation into a private forum.  Since you're a Platinum customer you have the ability to open a private support ticket.  So maybe you can go ahead and do that so you can provide some additional information we would need:

- A more definitive description of the work you would like to have done (maybe even screen shots of your existing processes that you're trying to replicate)

- The Simple:Press theme(s) under which the work should be done (barebones, reboot etc.)

- Your timeline

We'll then take a look at it and provide a cost and delivery date estimate for you.

Thanks very much!

Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Oct 23, 2018 - 4:44 am

Thank you.

I'll open a support ticket when I have some more details to give you something to scope out. 

Kind regards

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