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Possible upload bug?
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Aug 11, 2011 - 7:21 pm

Yep it definitely works in Chrome 14 with silverlight. Oh wait, I just got an exception when I went to move the tab... (in the runtime, not from Chrome). As odd as this in the middle of a post, I have to run out and get some dog food. 🙂 When I get back, I'll try it again and see if the exception returns.

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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Aug 11, 2011 - 8:40 pm

I ran two more uploads on it, and I didn't see the exception again. However they did both seem to stall around 70-80%, wait for a few moments and then suddenly hit 100% and insert into the post. That could be local lag, but I figured I would note it for clarity.

I did notice two other things at the same time. First, is there going to be a way to remove attachments once they are uploaded? I noticed other than removing it from the post itself, there was no X in the upload area once a file finished (what if I clicked the wrong file and it uploaded before I could stop it?). I also noticed when I chose to edit the post, even with admin permissions, I could not remove the attachments (what if I have a member upload an image to a family forum that just crosses the border, but their post doesn't? I'd want to keep the latter but remove the former).

If I'm harassing you about features already in the works, feel free to ignore me. 🙂

The second issue I noticed is just a slight formatting pita. This test is running under a default install of WP3.2.1 with TwentyEleven: – it appears the 10px padding set on #spMainContainer .spEditor #spQuickTags is the culprit, causing the textarea and icons to be pushed over and out of the main container on a thin layout such as this.

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
SP Master
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Aug 12, 2011 - 10:57 am

confused... whats the issue here (not the formatting)?

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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Aug 12, 2011 - 1:38 pm

My apologies, I write like I think and that can be extremely hazardous to any third party who dares read it. Boiled down;

  1. The upload functionality in Chrome 14 with the HTML5 runtime is still failing for me. Silverlight works, despite being a touch quirky at first.
  2. There is currently no immediately apparent method to edit attachments once they have been uploaded. Neither by the owner of the post or by an admin/moderator. This strikes me as having the potential to be a huge issue in more than one scenario!
  3. There's a slight formatting issue with the post form, where the padding on the aforementioned element pushes it out of alignment with everything else. Thought you might like to see it in action is all!

Item 1 is the one truly important to this conversation, items 2 and 3 are just observations made while attempting to localize the issue.

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Aug 12, 2011 - 1:57 pm

1 - chrome 14?  is this pc or mac?  is it released?  on pc, I dont seem to have it available yet as full release...

2 - its a file uploader, not a file manager...  so yes, we dont plan to offer more options like that within the plugin...  we can certainly imagine some users wanting a full fledge file manager and are hopeful someone will contribute such a plugin. The 4.x version had a file manager but it was mostly universally criticized as way to complex for the general masses.  additionally, it was the source of multiple security holes, so we have not carried it over to 5.0 realizing a very small subset wont like that.

3 - I cannot duplicate the alignment... and as you say probably likely to the very narrow width...  I havent checked the effects of removing the padding globally but suspect it will be a negative for the masses...  very narrow themes are likely to need their own theme anyways for the group and forum views...

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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Aug 12, 2011 - 3:12 pm

PC, Windows 7 64 bit, developer channel. It's the preview of the next release, so it may or not be an issue once this version hits the release channel but I haven't seen any reports that there are problems with it's rendering engine.


I realize that it isn't meant to be a file manager, but without at least the ability to delete uploads prior to submitting the post this opens the door for severe member frustration;

Scenario One: Visitor has a large folder of smallish images (<100kb) that they are trying to upload a thumbnail from. Their aim is a touch off and they accidentally click "me-drunk-as-sin.jpg" instead of "my-adorable-puppy-picture.jpg". They have to scrap the whole post now and start over.

Scenario Two: Harder to think of an example off the top of my head, so I'll be vague - forum is family oriented, member is attempting to explain their stance on a particular topic that can very easily slip out of "PG-13". Could be relating to alcohol, attire, violence etc. Members post is perfectly safe, but the image they uploaded to demonstrate their position isn't. Entire post has to be deleted because the attachment can't be removed, member gets upset and mails angry kittens to me, the forum administrator, and I get severe scratched up when they arrive (alright, so that's only happened once, but you never know when it could happen again).

Even though I completely understand what you are saying, these are just two off the top of my head reasons why I think it could be dangerous to have a file upload capability with no recourse. 


Last but not least, the alignment - not a big issue at all, easy enough for forum admins on thin layouts to fix even if they go with the default template. I haven't tested it on wider layouts myself, so I figured I would just note it quick in case it came up later that it was affecting those layouts as well.

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Aug 12, 2011 - 4:23 pm

anyone who uploads, can delete the upload before posting...  after uploading, you have a icon on the far right in the uploader to delete... then you can manually remove the image (or media) from the post window (click on it and delete - or use the html button)...

and anyone who can edit the post itself can also remove the image or media from the post (though not from the server)...  the housekeeping admin tool can be used to remove unattached/unreferenced upload files...

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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Aug 12, 2011 - 5:46 pm

Okay, I'm an idjit, I didn't notice the button on the uploader before (left pointing blue arrow) that lets you remove it prior to posting... that handles scenario one, snazzy.

I just svn up'd to make sure I was at the latest copy and I'm not seeing an option to remove attachments after the fact. Maybe it's missing from my interface somehow? This is what I see: - doesn't seem to be different if I choose edit as the owner of the post or edit from the admin tools.

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
SP Master
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Aug 12, 2011 - 5:49 pm

laugh no worries - the uploader is still pretty fresh...

as to your second paragraph, not sure I follow the situation you refer to...  after the post has been made, I said you could remove the image/media from the post, but not from the server (ie not the uploaded file)...

I did say if you remove the image/media from the post, then you could use the housekeepinng tool on forum - toolbox - housekeeping to remove unattached/unused uploads...

am I missing your point in the 2nd paragraph?

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