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Access to the list is almost certainly not going to help much. There are thousands of plugins and between us we are only familiar with a small handful!
Plus mobile browsers are next to useless as far as development tools are concerned. So no console to look at.
Thew first thing I would try would be to add the 'Develop' menu to Safari on a Mac - and then change the user agent to iPhone/1OS10 - and then try the operation to see if it fails. If it fails as it would on an iphone then you can look in the script console for errors. The console in Safari is not great bit it is all we have.
The other, less techie method, is to deactivate all WP plugins (except SP) - clear browser caches - try the operation. If it works then reactivate other plugins one at a time repeating the clear and test between each one.
I took your suggestions to my website developer (as they were out of my scope of knowledge/skills), and here's what he reported back with:
Hold on a minute...! That function is actually a tinyMCE function that is showing the error. Safari clearly has not loaded the TM scripts yet.
However a question... That SP function is specific to the Threading plugin which uses the 'reply' button within each, individual post - as opposed to the Add/Reply button at the bottom of a post listing.
I have been working on the assumption that we have been talking about the latter but are we really talking about the threading reply button here? And does the main reply button and editor work OK?
Here's what my website developer came back with:
I had replicated already. Really just needed to know that it was ONLY the threading that was affected. It is maddening as opening the editor inline like we do for threading was a real problem to code up - and just typical that Safari is the one browser in which it fails.
We tend to hate Safari here... it has always been the problem browser - at least since Microsoft joined the standards!
I have opened a ticket so we will see if we can locate the issue.
To explain the issue a little - the threading plugin, unlike standard/core SP - opens the editor inline to the post being replied to. You will have noticed this I am sure. This was actually quite difficult to achieve although in the end the code was quite simple and small.
This works in all Windows/macOS/Android/IOS browsers tested with (and that includes some more obscure ones as well as the main big 4) with - it appears - the exception of Safari. I feel pretty sure it did work when it was first tested - although some other things did not that are now supported.
When it is just the one browser like this it is pretty obvious that it is the browser that is causing the problem and indeed the Safari JavaScript engine has always left something to be desired as far as standards go. It has been getting so much better in the last year or so but clearly it has failed over this issue.
It does mean a fix may not be something we can quickly knock out as we will not jeopardise the code as far as all other browsers go. Hopefully we will be able to work it but that remains to be seen of course. The worst case scenario would be to just let Safari open the editor at the bottom of the posts as with a normal, non-threaded reply.
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