Support Forum
We're testing a brand-new install of Simplepress, and it worked great yesterday - but not today. Our test member cannot view the forum and gets a 'requested group does not exist' message, even though everything worked fine for him yesterday, using that same login.
What changed between yesterday and today? Added a few Simplepress plugins (TinyMCE, Threading, Subscriptions, Watches... that sort of thing) That's it.
Error log has one message, which is this:
file: /simple-press/admin/panel-options/support/spa-options-prepare.php
line: 30
function: spa_get_global_data
Notice | Undefined index: blockroles
We've tried resetting permissions and doing a reset Auths Cache in Housekeeping, but no luck.
I'm honest baffled and at wit's end. Any chance of getting some help on this?