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Smileys Not Working - Adding smileys creates a bunch of extra tag markup
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Apr 28, 2014 - 11:57 am

This is a stumper. When adding a smiley to a forum post, it is inserted fine - but, after saving the post, the smiley is inserted multiple times and surrounded with extra image tag markup. What's more, the smiley that I insert is not the one that is saved. See below:

Smileys are inserted ok:

Image Enlarger

But they appear like this:

Image Enlarger

Check the code in Google developer tools:

Image Enlarger

Any ideas?

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Apr 28, 2014 - 12:21 pm

we actually had a case a little similar to this a few weeks back. Now that users claim was that the only way he could get them top behave was if the code he gave each one started and ended with a colon. This was not actually the case bit he found that the actual process of editing some of them corrected the problem.

I don't actually know the cause but I would like to start off seeing what codes you have assigned as I do believe the answer may lie in there. For example - if you have Any that include a quote character - for example - could you try changing it to something simple and alphanumeric? Actually any with odd characters. But if you can let me have a list I can try and replicate them here in a test run.

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