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Some compatibility with WP-Minify?
Nevada, USA
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
May 31, 2010 - 9:50 pm

I have recently "discovered" WP-Minify, Thaya Kareeson's excellent plugin port to WP of the Minify project.

Now, unifying (combining) and minifying CSS and JS for Simple:Press Forum is not exactly possible, so I've added the string "simple-forum" (no quotes) to the exception list of the WP-Mnify settings, to leave those completely alone for SPF, similar to excluding the /simple-forum/ directory from consideration by WP Super Cache.

But that's a pity, really.

So, would it be possible to consider some support for it? Perhaps one more straightforward way – a long shot, not exactly obvious or "user-friendly" – might be to create a clone of the header.php template file, and call stylesheets there so as to minify them separately for the (also separate) template page file on which SPF lives… Dunno.

But given the myriad of CSS and JS calls going on in SPF, it might be worthwhile to consider it as a way to alleviate servers. As an aside bonus of sorts, of that "separate header template" method, one could also include the necessary browser cache (ETags, expires etc.) instructions to further reduce load, as nothing beats fishing static elements from the user's browser cache, server efficiency-wise.

Just an idea for some imaginary dull moment in a stretch (way) further down the road!

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
May 31, 2010 - 10:56 pm

yes, we are aware of that incompatibility - at least from a putting the js in the footer perspective. any attempt to put the forum js in the footer fails. and we dont know why. we have experimented with loading it there ourselves, letting wp do it, and with plugins doing it. for some odd reason, we just cant seem to get it working. At least we arent alone as a fair number of plugins have similar issues.

Since 4.2, the wp css and js files are already minimized when we ship the product so any additional minimization would be very small at best.

Scott Hendison
Portland, Oregon
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 29, 2010 - 4:29 pm

Just to clarify - if you love simple Forum, and you love WP-minify, you'd better love 'em on different websites, right? There's still no way to successfully exclude that anyone knows of? 

If so that's too bad...

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
SP Master
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sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Sep 30, 2010 - 8:33 am

well, since the forum js and css is already minified, there is no benefit...  and forum now puts its js in the footer too...  of course, the potential for conflicts arises on any site where the js is added to the footer...

some people have used the two together though conflicts have been reported...  have you tried it???  this was an old post before the time when we moved our js to the footer...

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