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Terribly slow loading past home page
Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Mar 21, 2018 - 7:37 am

Good news. However, please do check those settings as suggested just to make sure.

Jimmy Thomson
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Mar 21, 2018 - 8:44 pm

Spoke too soon.

It seems to get very slow when I go into the older material via the various topic headings (rather than the "recent posts").

By the way, I checked the permalinks and they are OK.

I wonder if this is just a function of having too many posts or topics that have to be called up every time you go into a specific forum.

I'm tempted to purge everything older than five years but I have a gut feeling that I will be looking for something I need within hours of doing so.

Is there an archive option so that only newer posts are accessed in the first instance?

Or am I barking up the wrong tree (again)?

Mr Papa
Simi Valley, CA
SP Master
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Mar 22, 2018 - 12:57 am

did you verify the cloudflare settings?

As Andy and I have both said, we dont see any difference between other site pages and forum pages in loading times...  and I dont see significant load times either...

have you tried this as a standard user or guest, vice as admin?  perhaps you are running other plugins that slow it down for wp admins??  worth a quick test, I think...

you only have 21k posts - that is not a large number and a limited number of users too...  we have sites with millions of users and thousands of simultaneous active users...  its not the size of you forum...  additionally, we dont load all post ever...  the only posts loaded are the ones needed on that particular page...  the most you ever seem to be loading is 20 posts per page...  the number of topics and posts shown is a configurable option if you want to lower those numbers...  you can tweak them on forum - options - display settings...  you could also try reducing the number of recent posts shown in the sidebar...  but if it comes down to those, more than likely would be a server capability issue... is this shared hosting, vsp, or dedicated (or other)?

Jimmy Thomson
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Mar 22, 2018 - 9:36 am

I removed the cloudflare plugin completely.

The site is working better now but I am still getting the "this page is trying to load scripts from an unauthorised source" warning on this website and no others.

I think it's most likely to be an accumulation of old problems that have been half solved so I'm biting the bullet and opening the wallet and getting the whole website overhauled (including getting on to PHP7 on the ISP).

It's not shared hosting and I am usually well within my limits.  

Thanks for your advice.  The page is running a lot better now ... but that warning is a worry that needs to be addressed.

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Mar 22, 2018 - 1:11 pm

The console message regarding the the scripts should also give you the url that is being asked for. Last time I looked at your site it seemed to be a problem loading a google font that is, presumably, being requested by your WP theme. But that should be easy to double check in the browser console.

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