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Themes. Overlays and Mobile themes
Jon Hall
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jan 19, 2021 - 11:23 am

Hi all

We have bought Simple:Press and are trying to customise how it looks.

Firstly, the overlays don't seem to do anything. Changing the overlay on any of the themes does nothing. We are using Themify as our site theme - is there a known problem?

So I have been trying the CSS only type themes. I am happy to edit these, but many of them are a bit clunky on mobile devices. So I have tried to set the mobile theme to one of the specific themes for mobiles. It makes no difference - mobiles (both actual devices and the Chrome Emulation) just show the main desktop theme. The SP documents mention that here is some sort of Mobile Support settings under Components - but I don't see that at all.

Any pointers would be appreciated, as it's driving me nuts!

Thanks - Jon

PS If I can get our proper paid logon to work, I will move this across to the premium support area!

SP Community Support
SP Moderator
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jan 19, 2021 - 7:58 pm


If changing the overlay of your themes do nothing then I suspect a caching issue.  Have you excluded the FORUM page from your cache (if you're using one?)

Regarding the "paid logon", this id doesn't seem to have any premium purchases.  Maybe it was done under a different id or email address?


Paul Carmen Carmen
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jan 20, 2021 - 7:34 am

Well I have managed to get in with the id we registered with!

I'll post in the proper place. 

The answer is yes, we have excluded the form from our site cacheing.

Simple Press
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jan 20, 2021 - 12:37 pm

We have a few themes with overlays, which one are you trying this one?  The 2020 theme (which is the default we install now)?

If changing the overlay isn't reflected on the frontend then there must be something that is blocking it from displaying.  That could mean a plugin or theme conflict though I've never heard of a conflict presenting this way.  It really sounds like a caching issue.  Is there a CDN such as Cloudflare in use?  If so, then it could also be caching the resources used by that page (such as css which is how the overlays are changed).

Some hosts also run caching on their servers and don't tell you about it.

Sill if you're sure all caches are cleared and that your browser cached has been cleared as well, the only other option is to run through a standard WP conflict check as follows:

  • First, take a backup of the site.  Or ask your host to push your site to "staging" and work there.
  • Then turn off all other WordPress plugins and switch your WordPress theme to one of the basic ones (like 2019 or 2020). 
  • Clear your browser cache and refresh.  Check to see if changing the overlay shows up.  If not then there is a more fundamental issue happening, likely involving something the host is doing (which, frankly, would just be weird).  If it does start to work it's time to figure out what's conflicting with it.
  • Activate the plugins one by one until the issue shows up again.  The last plugin activated is usually the one that is conflicting.
  • If none of them causes the issue then chances are that the WP theme is the source of the conflict.

It’s a simple but tedious process but it usually lets you narrow down the conflicting plugin or theme.


Paul Carmen Carmen
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jan 21, 2021 - 4:36 am

Hmm, you might be right, but I can't find any other cacheing anywhere. I will keep looking

On a related note can you have a guess as to why setting a different theme for mobile views seems to have no effect, either on a real mobile or Firefox/Chrome device emulation? It just shows the main theme.

Simple Press
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jan 21, 2021 - 10:41 am


I can't hazard a guess right now.  The first step in debugging this is to see if it still isn't working after following the troubleshooting steps I outlined in the prior message.


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