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Totally newbie to SP. I just transitioned from bbpress. Everything is set up and working fine except for I'm unable to install plugins. I've tried both the Plugin Uploader where I get the following error message:
Notice: Unable to remove the uploaded plugin zip archive: /var/www/(filepath here)/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/
Then if I click Proceed I get the are you sure message? Try Again. And the same thing happens all over again.
When I try to FTP a get the following:
Response: 550 /problem-with-post-edit-buttontdocs/wp-content/sp-resources/forum-plugins/buddypress/buddypress/resources/css/sp-buddypress.css: No such file or directory
Error: Critical file transfer error
As you can see this happened with two different fact I tried three others and the same thing happened.
Please advise tell me what I am doing wrong here.
Thanks in advance
Well the uploader notice 'unable to remove the uploaded plugin zip archive' suggests that the plugin has been installed, but the WP uploader for some reason can't delete the used .zip file.
You didn't mention, but can you check in your admin > forum > plugins to see if any of these plugins actually installed? If not id guess it's a permissions issue
I think Ike is probably correct - this will come doewn to permissions.
When Simple:Press is installed it creates folders - by default /sp-resources and some child folders under your standard WordPress wp-content folder. In 99.9% of cases these get created just fine. On that odd one the server seems to be set up differently and the permissions on those folders are not set up correctly.
The usual permissions AND the GUID and UID should be the same on all of the SP folders as the wp-content folder and I would check those first. GUIDs and UIDs can usually be shown with a decent ftp client or using your hosting control panel. We would normally expect permissions to be 755 on folders and 644 on files. The GUID and UID is going to be down to your host,
no, I think this is because you uploaded the plugin to the wrong directory...
note in the path, you have buddypress/buddpress... the plugin (based on your settings) MUST be located in:
so how did you get the extra buddypress in there??? did you upload the zip extract exactly as downloaded from this site? if you ftp, you upload the extracted buddypress directory to forum-plugins, not another buddypress directory...
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I think you're both right. For some reason when I unzipped the file created a buddypress folder and then the buddypress folder underneath that with the plugin. So I tried to upload the child buddypress folder and got the following from FTP:
550 /problem-with-post-edit-buttontdocs/wp-content/sp-resources/forum-plugins/buddypress/resources/css/sp-buddypress.css: No such file or directory
So the double buddypress path is gone but it's probably a file permission because every other file has 755 with fldcmpe and a different owner number than this file. I contacted my hosting dude.
Thanks for your eyeballs.
yes, typically dirs will be 0755 and php files will be 0644 though they could be sightly different based on your flavor of php...
please check the sp-resources directory too... basically, it should match wp-content... form a permissions and ownership (uid/gid) perspective...
please let us know what you find...
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