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WP role changes,
Stefan Zabel
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Apr 17, 2023 - 5:32 pm

Hi there,

We're moving over to WooCommerce subscriptions which allows us to set a subscriber roles which we've mapped as follows to our SP forum 

Subscriber Default Role > Full WP role > Full user group in SP > full access to forum

Inactive Subscriber Role > Customer WP role > Guests user group in SP > read only permissions

When someone pays for a subscription, they are being allocated the full role and can access the forum.

However, when the subscription is cancelled, their WP role changes to 'customer' but they retain the full status in SP.

It's been a while since I set all this up, perhaps I'm missing a step in this.

Can you advise how to ensure the SP user group membership is updated as well.


Edit: sorry hadn't finished the topic title when I posted. I don't think I can edit that.

Stefan Zabel
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Apr 18, 2023 - 5:58 pm

Any ideas on this please. Is there a way to subscribe still to the thread so I receive email notifications of replies?

Joakim (Simple:Press)
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Apr 18, 2023 - 11:00 pm

Hi Stefan!

Thanks for posting! I believe that you have set it up correctly. The basic functionality of the User Mapping Settings only takes into account newly created accounts and adds the user to the correct user group. When the user's roles change there is no hook or listener that updates the users.

However, using the "Map Users" function in "Forum -> User Groups -> Map Users to User Group" will allow you to update the roles with their correct user groups.

The subscription option will be enabled in the near future, it is currently disabled.

Best regards,
Joakim @ Simple:Press

Joakim (Simple:Press)
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Jul 7, 2023 - 9:11 am

Stefan Zabel said
Any ideas on this please. Is there a way to subscribe still to the thread so I receive email notifications of replies?

Hi Stefan!

The subscription is enabled again. Please verify your subscriptions to get notified again.

Best regards,
Joakim @ Simple:Press

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