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can you go back to the toolbox and reset the auths cache once again... and then look at that auths entry again... it looks a bit off... your sp plugins are still active, right?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Sorry, have to head off to work.
But can you look in sfauths table and get the auth_id for the can pm Auth?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I have reset the auth cache and checked that the SP plugins are all active - and they were/are !
Here's the auth entry:
The auth id for the Can pm Auth is 35 - see attachment
Many Thanks
so not sure how that can be after clearing the auths cache, but okay...
can you verify your sp version number and the private messaging version? and that they are at the latest?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
first the auths cache clearing is almost ever used... just there for when something weird/unique happens... and works in some testing I did this morning... at least on my test sites
bigger question would be why are they 0 anyways... there is no real facility within SP for setting them zero for admins... that is the confusing part and this is first such report...
so for this user, can you also look in the sfmembers table and see what they have in the memberships column?
also, can you try uninstalling the private messaging plugin and then reactivating it? see if we can coax it into updating those permissions..
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
good news! thanks for the update...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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