Support Forum
Well at the moment the honest truth is I have no idea.
We have one other user with the quote behaviour (i.e., does nothing but doesn't throw an error). I have asked him for his list of active plugins so I can compare them with yours. You never know - might turn up a match.
could you add the following to your wp-config.php file and let us know?
define('SP_SCRIPTS_DEBUG', true);
if will allow us to debug the js and see what is up...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
define ('WPLANG', 'en'); i have added the en to this code after doing some google research
This is weird, if i hit the quote button i can use the tiny mce editor,although the quote text isn't there.... if i click reply i can't use the editor?
ive reverted back to html editor again.
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