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not sure where to start with some potential problems... just not sure any would cause this issue... but let me get those out first...
you have some embedded player plugin that is throwing js errors on every page load...
your theme is incorrectly loading jquery ui... its loading its own custom version instead of the version that comes with wp that other plugins expect...
but as I said, despite those potentially causing significant errors, I dont see it related to this since its not js related... but you should correct those too...
another thing I notice is your theme is using something called pagebuilder... there is a plugin by the same name that can cause conflicts with other wp plugins including simple press because of how things are done... but dont know if this theme just includes the pagebuilder plugin or has its own similar idea and just reused the name...
but can you check and see if the pagebuilder for the theme must be used on all wp pages? can you disable page builder stuff on only the wp page that the forum appears on? users of the plugin have been able to do this... might get rid of the need for the strict wp api and other intricacies...
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somewhere on this forum someone had the same issue...all they did was chnage something in one of the files from 1 to 0...u guys suggested it and it worked for her and at the time when I saw it, it worked for me beut I cant fins now I still have no poll regardless of the 3-4 themes Ive been using
The inlt thing I can find is this
is this what you mean?
As far as I can tell by searching the problem seems to usually come down to a WP theme being non-standard in some way.
no code changes in that one... I do remember a couple issues of similar, and mentioned it before, that was solved by a code change in polls to handle odd themes/plugins dorking with the wp loop...
but didnt you say you had changed to the default wp theme? and still had an issue? if so, did you try it with other plugins disabled?
and could you please comment on or answer my questions in post 31?
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