Support Forum
[Image Can Not Be Found]I installed the "who's online" plugin and crashed my forum. I can't see and of the plugins, so I can't deactivate it. How can I resolve this - thanks.
Update - the gal who helps me (I am non-technical) says she found the folder with the plug-in files, but when she tried to delete it, it wouldn't let her.
Check your wp-content/forum-plugins/ folder for this new plugin. The folder name it is in should be 'online'. If it has a number after it (like 'online-1' for example) remove the dash and the number and then all should be fine.
if that is not the problem then it could simply be a corrupted download which do happen to everyone now and then so you could try re-downloading, unzipping locally and copying the folder up manually.
If all else fails then simply removing the folder will automatically deactivate it...
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