Support Forum
Oh dear... I am not really up to speed with BuddyPress and our BuddyPress plugin (something I will rectify soon) so I will need to do some research and ask colleagues. But perhaps I can collect some data.
On the forum profiles admin set up options what is the 'Profile Entry Form Mode' set to?
And when you say '...takes be back to my profile on the website' what exactly does that mean please?
ok my admin panel image is in attachment............Profile Entry Form Mode set to buddypress profile . when i say "takes be back to my profile on the website' what exactly does that mean please?" it means if you hit profile on the forum area takes me back to the user profile area IE. when you are on the website part not forums and you click your user name it takes you to your website profile .
the editor is plain text... so you can enter html...
but sorry, still not understanding the issue... the signature only shows up in a forum post... you can set it from the buddypress profile or the simple press profile... if you set the profile entry mode to buddypress, that means you dont want a sp profile... you instead want to redirect to the buddypress profile... is that what is happening?
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Ah - do you mean cut in half horizontally? If so then that is simply that not enough space has been allocated to contain the signature. Because of the nature of html and the desire to display the signature at the bottom of the post space, a pixel count height is allocated. By default this is 55 pixels.
You can change this and adjust to what you need by editing the template - in this case the spTopicView.php template which you will find in the /templates folder of the SP theme you are using. You can use our theme editor for this task.
Locate the display function sp_PostIndexUserSignature() and you will see the attribute 'maxHeightBottom' set to 55. Just change the 55 to your preferred height.
As always we recommend that you create your own SP theme so that any customisation is not lost during a future update. (
hey thanks for the quick reply
Rainbow Enthusiast