Support Forum
Joe Bunting said
Thanks you, guys! You're great!Any further progress on the MyCred thing? It at least knows that the Wordpress plugin is installed now, but still won't let us change "MyCred" to "Quills" beneath user avatars, specifically. Do I need to make a template change?
Apologies - I think we missed this one. Yes - you would need to make a small template change. If you are already using a child theme you will need to ensure that the topic view template in copied from the parent to the child. And then change the label on the myCred display function.
I can talk you through this is greater detail if you can tell me what SP theme you are using,
If you are not yet using a child theme I would suggest you start by downloading and activating the child theme framework for your theme (free from our store) and changing the name to suit. For more details on doing this see -
We're using a child theme created from Reboot, and it's definitely up to date since we just created it today. 🙂 I'd definitely appreciate being talked through that!
The gravatars look fantastic! It's also loading faster - seconds faster - so whatever you did, you did an awesome job. Let me know what to do with the MyCred stuff under the avatars in the template, and I'll get that done. 🙂 Thanks!
thanks for the kind words...
as to the mycred question, will reference here:
so you want to change the MyCred label to Quills... in your child theme, you will want to copy the spTopicView.php template file over to your child theme you so can edit it... then find this line:
if (function_exists('sp_PostIndexMyCred')) sp_PostIndexMyCred('tagClass=spPostUserMyCred spCenter', __sp('MyCred '), __sp('MyCred'));
to something like
if (function_exists('sp_PostIndexMyCred')) sp_PostIndexMyCred('tagClass=spPostUserMyCred spCenter', __sp('Quills'), __sp('Quills'));
you will find a template file for mobile and desktop, so probably want to edit both...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
sorry about that gravatar issue... and thanks for the kind words!
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