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I have! I uploaded a f plugins, and upon hitting the activate now button I got the white screen of death saying " Fatal error: Call to undefined function sp_pm_do_user_class() in /data/20/2/142/50/2957376/user/3279260/problem-with-post-edit-buttontdocs/wordpress1/learningcenter/wp-content/sp-resources/forum-plugins/private-message-simple-press/sp-pm-plugin.php on line 356"
Now I can't access my wp-admin, because I get above error. This majorly stinks, could someone come to my rescue?? I just paid to get the plugins and now this is what I get I guess.
You have a folder called '/private-message-simple-press/'???
We do not create anything named like that. The correct folder name for the private message plugin is just that - 'private-messaging'.
Take a look on your sever at the folder names and make sure they are correct. If wrong then rename the folder and all should then be well.
Ah. That's right I am afraid. The name has to be correct for things to work.
be earned that there is actually a WordPress issue on updating that sometimes fails to name the folder correctly and appends a '-1' on the end of the name. If this happens again after an update check for that
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