Support Forum
After installing SP 5 on the site, I noticed the smiley's were missing and some other issues. So I went to PLUGINS and deleted it. I was asked if all files were to be deleted as well; I said yes.
When I reinstall it, SP does NOT think it is a new install and never creates the sp-resources folder. It appears the deletion is not complete - there must be something left over in the database that SP is finding. After deleting SP by way of the Dashboard, I went to my site and deleted both the plug in folder AND the sp-resources folder. I even scoured the database to see if I could find any hints of SP there - they must be but I didn't find any.
Then re-uploaded SP and went to do the reinstall. When I went to FORUMS it didn't do the install proccess - but revealed the test groups and forums I was told were deleted! So...
How do I TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY remove SP so there is no trace I ever had any version so I can do a clean installl?
=Alan R.
What you needed to do was SELECT THE UNINSTALL option on the WP plugins page which would have TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY REMOVED ALL OF THE DATA. That is WHY IT IS THERE.
Deleting the files of ANY WP PLUGIN will never REMOVE THE DATA. It just removes the physical FILES.
So put the files back where they were and select UNINSTALL and follow the INSTRUCTIONS.
I think I mis-wrote my post. I actually DID use the WP built in procedures. My mistake was to FIRST Deactivate, then Uninstall. My rational was that one would not uninstall and active plug-in. NOT! 🙂 I re-ran the process and did the Deactivate first, then the Uninstall. Now SP was 'gone' enough to that I could do a proper re-install. So it goes.
=Alan R.