Support Forum
there is something odd going on at the server level.. many XMLHttpRequests are not being honored or blocked... sometimes they go through...
are you running any server security software? such as mod_security or Sucuri or other?
did you do any modifications to the .htaccess file? (is it used in nginx?)
do you run any wp specific nginx configurations? like in /etc/nginx/common
Wonder if we pull in @fidosysop-2 who runs cloudflare and has it working... not sure if he has nginx though...
probably clear to put plugins and themes back up... clearly no impact from them...
one thing that I would also like to try, but probably not an issue is to turn off admin script concatenation... that would be to add following to the wp config file:
define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false);
and just see...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Response from Roger (Server Admin):
1. Yes, there is exploit scanning and AV scanning. If an IP address tries to upload an exploit, the file is blocked and the IP is denied access to all services (including http).
2. Yes mod_security is running.
3. .htaccess is blocking known "bad" bots
4. The server is LAMP
Replacing plugins and theme now...
figured it was LAMP... which has a history of issues with WP... they even have a configuration page for it:
thanks for trying the script concat stuff... didnt think it would work, but worth ruling out...
is it possible to temp disable mod_security and see what happens?
have sent @fidosysop-2 a pm to see if he has thoughts since he works with same environment and has worked through issues (both wp and sp)...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Server Admin Response:
WordPress is built to work on LAMP. LAMP is "Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP" and Nginx is something else. The codex (in provided URL) has nothing to do with a LAMP server.
Disabling mod_security is a no-go because the site is under constant attack. Example in the time you worked on the site, there were 27 exploit attempts (uploading PHP exploit) that were all blocked.
Again, this is not an Nginx environment, it's LAMP. 😉