Support Forum
I just purchased a gold membership. Trying to download plugins and add them through the plugin uploader of simplepress. On every attempt (ftp info entered correctly) I get:
Are you sure you want to do this?
Please advise if I can even use the plugin uploader.
SP 5.3
WP 3.6
Yes you should be able to use the sp plugin uploader (not wp)..
Sounds like another plugin interfering with the Ajax. You are uploading the zip file, right.
Can you try uploading it via ftp?
Put the unzipped directory in wp-content/sp-resources/forum-plugins
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Ok so I am also having problems uploading any plugins.
Firstly I have tried uploading through the simplepress uploader and nothing.
Then I have uploaded the zipped plugin into wp-content/sp-resources/forum-plugins and still nothing shows up.
cant see what can be the problem.
Can anyone help?
forum can only be viewed when logged in!
good news! thanks for the update...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
On the uploader issue then there are no known issues around this so I really do think this is going to be some sort of server-side issue or configuration. It would be worth checking the storage locations (Integration admin section) to check that reports all folders are readable and writable. if not then they will need correcting.
OK - still really need more information. Did the select side of it work OK? Did the browse files dialog open and allow you to select files? Does drag and drop work? Is the 'Add Files' showing up as a button or more like a label of text?
And finally - if it is showing up as a label and not a button is your WordPress theme loading the bootstrap javascript library?