Support Forum
Hey Guys,
New member here, I LOVE simple:press, really great software! and the perfect theme picked out for my site after alot of time. Anyway you guys can take a look and let me know whats up? I read some other posts and you said that the theme has to be fully responsive to work properly, it should be.
Very thankful if you can help me out. Let me know when you need some more info.
I strongly suspect that the WordPress theme you are using is loading the Bootstrap JavaScript library. Sadly, there are now several that do.
Bootstrap is NOT supported OR supplied by WordPress. Instead, WP supplies and supports the jQuery UI script library which is what Simple:Press uses. Bootstrap causes problems for the jQuery UI which is what you are seeing.
They can co-exist but it is necessary to have the jQuery UI load AFTER Bootstrap. This can sometimes be achieved by going to the forum admin > Integration > Page and Permalink and turning on the option to load our JavaScript in the footer. If that is already turned on or does not resolve it then it will probably mean a code change is needed to your WordPress theme. Maybe the theme author can help.
Yellow Swordfish,
Got another issue, a user on a Galaxy tab (has tried 2 browsers) is getting the error "upload url might be wrong" when attempting to upload the pictures.
Any thoughts on that? I can open a new topic if needed. I'm not able to recreate the issue on my iPhone.
Matt V.
I can find a reference to a message "Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist" within the core plupload code (which is a third party script from the same people who created the tinyMCE editor). They just state it is an HTTP Error which doesn't tell us much.
I guess there could be many reasons. If images, and you are able to upload images on other devices then clearly the location does exist. Are you sure other users can write to it? Might your host be protecting it in some way for all but you? Maybe an .htaccess rule or something...?
Alternatively - are there other things this user is having issues with?
Thanks Yellow Swordfish,
Yeah its really a PITA....It didnt work on her Galaxy in 2 browsers, but worked on her iPhone.... Maybe its something with security settings on the tablet? She said its 60 days nothing that wouldn't be able to support the plugin.
As of now there are no other issues that the user is experiencing. Tough one.
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