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Post Ratings SQL Error
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Apr 28, 2019 - 5:17 pm

Not sure if this has been reported, but we're seeing this in our error logs:

Oddly, Post Ratings Version 2.1.0 is currently deactivated on our site.

[root@server logs]# tail -n 30 tripawds_com.php.error.log | more
[28-Apr-2019 20:50:36 UTC] WordPress database error You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the ri
ght syntax to use near 's Posts<\\\/p>\
\\\";s:9:\\\"changelog\\\";s:136:\\\"<p>Version 2.0.0<\\\/p>\
' at line 1 for query INSERT INTO wp_1_sfoptions (option_na
me, option_value) VALUES ('spl_plugin_versioninfo_3916', '{"new_version":"2.0.0","stable_version":"2.0.0","name":"post-ratings","slug":"post-ratings-plugin","url":
:"2018-11-17 17:02:31","download_link":"","package":"","icons":"\"a:2:{s:2:\\\"1x\\\";s:72:\\\"https:\\\/\\\/\\\/wp-content\\\/uploads\\\/edd\\\/20
"banners":"\"a:2:{s:4:\\\"high\\\";s:0:\\\"\\\";s:3:\\\"low\\\";s:0:\\\"\\\";}\"","sections":"\"a:2:{s:11:\\\"description\\\";s:55:\\\"<p>Give your Users the power
to Rate other's Posts<\\\/p>\
\\\";s:9:\\\"changelog\\\";s:136:\\\"<p>Version 2.0.0<\\\/p>\
<li>Added: Simple:Press 6.0 compatibility<\\\/li>\

<p>Version 1.0.0<\\\/p>\
<li>Initial Release<\\\/li>\
\\\";}\""}') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE option_name = ('spl_plugin_versioninfo_3916'), opt
ion_value = ('{"new_version":"2.0.0","stable_version":"2.0.0","name":"post-ratings","slug":"post-ratings-plugin","url":"https:\/\/\/downloads\/post
-ratings-plugin\/?changelog=1","homepage":"https:\/\/\/downloads\/post-ratings-plugin\/","last_updated":"2018-11-17 17:02:31","download_link":"","p
\\";s:3:\\\"low\\\";s:0:\\\"\\\";}\"","sections":"\"a:2:{s:11:\\\"description\\\";s:55:\\\"<p>Give your Users the power to Rate other's Posts<\\\/p>\
"changelog\\\";s:136:\\\"<p>Version 2.0.0<\\\/p>\
<li>Added: Simple:Press 6.0 compatibility<\\\/li>\
<p>Version 1.0.0<\\\/p>\
al Release<\\\/li>\
\\\";}\""}') made by do_action_ref_array('sph_check_addons_status_interval'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, sph_check
_addons_status, SPPluginUpdater->check_addons_status, spcOptions->update, spcOptions->add, spcDB->insert, spcDB->execute

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