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no worries xDave... understand... and we can help you sort the ordering in your theme if you like... but I dont see a link to your site in this topic?? I know Andy has been helping you with other stuff so he may know it, but can you share a link? or better yet, find the location in the theme where bootstrap is loaded and we can give you code to change to see if it clears it up...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
so yeah, lots of bootstrap...
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
now what is interesting here is that the theme is also loading its own version of jquery ui (think Andy mentioned that before too)... and its loading it after bootstrap stuff so that is good...
the actual problem may be the loading of its own version of jquery ui instead of using the jquery ui that comes with wp... obviously, plugins can only test and expect the wp version, not some custom one...
I would try a quick test of where its loading its own jquery ui and switch it over to the wp version and see if it works or any ill side effects on the theme... can you find that loading in the theme?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Could be this. Should I try what happens when I comment the bootstrap6 stuff out?
wp_register_script( 'bootstrap1', get_template_directory_uri().'/js/bootstrap-transition.js','','',true);
wp_register_script( 'bootstrap2', get_template_directory_uri().'/js/bootstrap-tooltip.js','','',true);
wp_register_script( 'bootstrap3', get_template_directory_uri().'/js/bootstrap-button.js','','',true);
wp_register_script( 'bootstrap4', get_template_directory_uri().'/js/bootstrap-carousel.js','','',true);
wp_register_script( 'bootstrap5', get_template_directory_uri().'/js/bootstrap-collapse.js','','',true);
wp_register_script( 'bootstrap6', get_template_directory_uri().'/js/bootstrap-modal.js','','',true);
You seem to be looking at the right code so in the right area. I wouldn't comment it out though - that would almost certainly upset other stuff.
What else is around this code? What about jQuery and the jQuery UI scripts? Are they being loaded near there as well and if so could you paste the whole lot? Using the Syntax Highlighter button would be best. Paste the code. Select it carefully and then click on the button on the toolbar and specify php.
first thing I would try is change:
wp_register_script( 'custom_js2', get_template_directory_uri().'/js/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js','','',true);
wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui', false, array('bootstrap6', '', true)
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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