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TinyMCE : Insert Link/Image/Media Windows Too Narrow
Philip Treacy
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 9, 2023 - 10:12 pm


When inserting a link, image or media, the window that appears is not the correct size.  For example, the window for inserting a link looks like this

insert link windowImage Enlarger


Actually when inserting that image, the dimensions of the insert window were not correct here either.  The labels for the inputs were underneath the input fields.

I tried to write my own CSS to fix these issues on my site, but the element ID's appear to be dynamic, so I can't pin down each element to apply CSS.

I've set up an account for you to login and see for yourself.  The username is SPSupport and the password is (SPr3$$!)

You can login from the Members menu here



Joakim (Simple:Press)
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 10, 2023 - 5:19 am

Hi Phil!

Thanks reporting and for creating an account for us. I have logged in and changed the password.

When did this start to happen? After your upgrade to 6.8.4?

I can see what you are refering to, the popup looks squashed. When trying on my local setup the two themes Barebone and Modern looks ok. Unfortunately I don't know what theme you are using. Could you please let us know.

From what I can see most of the inputs get a `padding` and a `height` that mess everything up, and since they are applied inline(at least the `height`) they are hard to override.

Looking forward to hear your input.


Philip Treacy
Free Members
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 21, 2023 - 10:13 pm

Hi Joakim,

this started after I upgraded to V 4.1.0 of the TinyMCE Editor.

I'm using Mai Success Theme but not sure how that has a bearing as the sizing of the Insert link box is set by inline CSS, not by the theme.

Why are these sizes hard coded?  How can I change them?  As I said in my original post, I could write CSS to override these inline CSS rules, but the element ID's aren't consistent.  In the first image the box has ID mceu_80, in the 2nd image it's mceu_95

squashed insert link boxImage Enlarger


id changedImage Enlarger

If you can tell me what to change in what files on my server, I'm happy to do it until a permanent fix is released.



Joakim (Simple:Press)
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 22, 2023 - 5:58 am

Hi again Philip!

Thanks for the theme info. I have tried to replicate your setup locally. When I use a clean WP with the following installed:

- Simple:Press 6.8.6
- TinyMCE 4.1.0
- Simple:Press Barebones Theme
- WP Theme twentytwentythree

I get a "normal" popup with reasonable sizes. I believe that either a plugin or your theme adds some html or js that affects the sizes in some way.

Image Enlarger

The best way to test this is to try loading the forum using the twentytwentythree theme and with only the Simple:Press plugin activated to see if the problem still exists.


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