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h1 tags for post titles
Stefan Zabel
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 27, 2019 - 9:19 am

We are running version at the moment but we are upgrading to 6 soon.

The standard header tag for post titles is h2.

We should be able to rank our posts better if this was set to h1.

Can you tell me,

1. if there's a way to do this in our current theme

2. if any of the new v6 themes use h1 for post titles


Simple Press
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 27, 2019 - 9:52 am


If you're using the "Default" theme, I don't believe the topic title is rendered between H2 tags.  Its actually rendered under the css classnames spHeaderName and css id spTopicHeaderName.

Is it possible that someone might have modified a child theme to render these inside H2 tags?


Stefan Zabel
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 27, 2019 - 10:02 am

Hi, I did the child theme but definitely didn't modify the tags, it's not something I knew about. We have 2 separate marketing agencies that have told us the same thing, that the title is h2.

What header tag does the default theme use for the post title?

And could you tell me that the post title header tag is for your new series of v6 themes?

Is there some css we could add somewhere to adjust to h1?


Stefan Zabel
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 27, 2019 - 12:12 pm

...if the post titles in the new v6 themes are set up with h1 tags, we'll just leave it as we're about to work with your team to upgrade

but if you could let me know on the points in my previous post we'll be able to make a decision on what to do next, thanks

Simple Press
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 27, 2019 - 6:25 pm


The differences between the themes in Version 5 and 6 were mostly internal coding and structure. There were few changes to the tags along the lines you're asking about.  To force the H1/H2 tags around the topic names would likely require using a child theme.


Simple Press
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 27, 2019 - 6:26 pm

Hi - the post title is wrapped in a div tag and assigned the classnames and ids mentioned in the prior post.

Unfortunately you can't use css to inject the H1 tags into a div.


Stefan Zabel
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 28, 2019 - 6:12 am

Ok, thanks for this, we have a way forward.

Can you confirm however - without us changing anything, what header tags does SP use for post titles, v5 and v6 themes?

Yellow Swordfish
Glinton, England
SP Master
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 28, 2019 - 6:20 am

If by 'post titles' you are referring to the main page/post title at the top of the page then Simple Press has nothing to do with displaying this. The html tags used here are pure WordPress theme. The display the forum theme is responsible for is everything after the page title.

Simple Press
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
Feb 28, 2019 - 1:23 pm


For the 'default' theme in V6, the topic titles are wrapped in divs with classnames spHeaderName and css id spTopicHeaderName.  You or your developer can see this by just inspecting the topic title using the built-in browser inspection tools.

I hope this helps.

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