Support Forum
First off, nice work with Reboot!
I hope to use the new theme in our site overhaul, and it's taking shape nicely. Just one concern I notice so far...
Share This buttons display under each Group.
All the shares from this view point back to the same page, the Forums home page. So why repeat the template tag under every group? It seems the Share This tag should appear once, above all the Groups, like it does in Forum view, above all the topics.
Our dev site is currently hidden, so I've attached a screenshot. I know I could hack the template, but my goal is to not create a custom theme to avoid edits upon updates.
Thanks in advance for any feedback!
Group View
Topic View:
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Yes - it was an error that slipped through. We missed it on the public support site and I have the 'share this' plugin turned off on my local development site because of the overhead and performance hit of it having to poll an external server.
We have the ticket open and it will be fixed up in the next day or so. We hope to issue a fairly quick Reboot update for the few bits and pieces that have cropped up since release and this is one of them!
Thanks Jim.
I figured you guys would be on top of this!
Thanks again for all the great work.
Simple:Press powers the Tripawds Discussion Forums.
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Yellow Swordfish said
We have the ticket open and it will be fixed up in the next day or so. We hope to issue a fairly quick Reboot update...
Any chance this update is coming soon? Looks like the version available for download is still v1.0.
Or, could someone please provide a temporary fix for removing the duplicate Share This tags in Group view? We're getting close to relaunching the new site, and I'm a bit lost since it appears the tag already appears only once, outside the forum loop...thanks!
sp_SectionEnd('', 'header'); sp_InsertBreak('spacer=0px'); sp_InsertBreak('direction=right'); if (function_exists('sp_ShareThisTag')) sp_ShareThisTag('tagClass=ShareThisTag spCenter'); sp_InsertBreak('spacer=5px'); sp_SectionStart('tagClass=spGroupForumContainer', 'forumlist'); # Start the Forum Loop
Simple:Press powers the Tripawds Discussion Forums.
It's better to hop on three legs than to limp on four.
The Tripawds Blogs Community is made possible by The Tripawds Foundation.

Hey Jim,
Sorry for the delay with the update - Here is the fix copied from our changelog:
*Remove entire sp_ShareThisTag line from spGroupViewSection
*Move to first line inside sp_SectionStart('tagClass=spListSection', 'groupView'); before forum loop with sp_InsertBreak('spacer=5px');underneath.
This should then appear something like:
# Start the 'groupView' section # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sp_SectionStart('tagClass=spListSection', 'groupView'); if (function_exists('sp_ShareThisTag')) sp_ShareThisTag('tagClass=ShareThisTag spCenter'); sp_InsertBreak('spacer=5px'); # Start the Group Loop # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Now you could float the share this button to the right by changing the 'spCenter' argument to 'spRight', and you could also change the sp_InsertBreak spacer to a lower or higher px value if you wish, or you could remove the sp_InsertBreak altogether if you don't want too much of a gap, the clear that sp_InsertBreak adds is not necessary, it's simply used to add a bit of a gap between the button and the top of the forums.
Still unsure of whether the release will be this weekend currently! Nothing set in stone.
Hope that helps.
Perfect, thanks!
Simple:Press powers the Tripawds Discussion Forums.
It's better to hop on three legs than to limp on four.
The Tripawds Blogs Community is made possible by The Tripawds Foundation.
think we have decided to push the release to next weekend... a few changes only a couple days ago and we need more testing time... plus, its a UK holiday today where Andy and Ike are...
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Thanks for the update! But FYI...
It looks like Reboot v.1.0.1 is still showing duplicate Share This buttons in Group view.
They no longer show atop every group, but still do display twice.
I'm working on creating my Child theme now, but first I activated the latest Reboot update and fresh out of the box I got this...
Cleared cache, de/reactivated Share this, and have updated to SP v.5.5.5...
I should be able to figure out removing the second tag in my sf-group view template, but thought you should know, and any tips are always appreciated.
Simple:Press powers the Tripawds Discussion Forums.
It's better to hop on three legs than to limp on four.
The Tripawds Blogs Community is made possible by The Tripawds Foundation.
Looks like spHead template already calls the ShareThis tag in the Breadrumbs section...which is good for all other views, so it just really shouldn't be in spGroup at all.
# Start the 'breadCrumbs' section # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sp_SectionStart('tagClass=spCrumbHolder spLeft', 'breadCrumbs'); sp_BreadCrumbs('tagClass=spLeft spBreadCrumbs&tree=0&icon=&homeIcon=sp_CrumbsHome.png&truncate=35', __sp('Home')); if (function_exists('sp_ShareThisTag')) { switch ($spVars['pageview']) { case 'group': sp_ShareThisTag('tagClass=ShareThisTag spRight'); break; case 'forum': sp_ShareThisForumTag('tagClass=spRight ShareThisForum'); break; case 'topic': sp_ShareThisTopicTag('tagClass=ShareThisTopic spRight'); break; } } sp_SectionEnd('', 'breadCrumbs');
Simple:Press powers the Tripawds Discussion Forums.
It's better to hop on three legs than to limp on four.
The Tripawds Blogs Community is made possible by The Tripawds Foundation.
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