Support Forum
Hi ,
For my new blog I installed simple press forum
I have simple machines running and working on my server .But I would like to change it to simple press ,because the WP integration ,SEO etc..
Have quite a few problems [Image Can Not Be Found]
like :
forum + sidebar only displays in Firefox properly .Not I.E.
- cannot upload images and avatars
-can log into forum from I.E. but can not log in from Firefox .
-the admin functions move topics,pin topics etc do not display, when I try to edit post .
I cannot move or delete any posts or make them sticky etc.
These are just the ones I noticed so far .
Like I said. I would like to completey change to simple press , but I don't know how to work out these bugs.
I think they are theme related
my blog template schemermag
I would need an idea of the cost and if in Canada/Ontario/London area ,
I would love to meet and learn this first hand .
I doubt these are bugs of course. They are likely to be conflicts with either your theme or a plugin (or maybe plugins). Easy to find out.
use Firefox, open the error console and clear it. Try some of the things in the firum that do not work and then look in the console. Errors tab ONLY. Ignore warnings.
What does it say?
yeah, bugs I meant my theme etc. I kind ofg assumed (as non computer techie) that it was theme related 'but I really want to keep my theme though.
I did the firefox error and the main one came up as :
Error: The stylesheet /wp-content/plugins/featured-content-gallery/css/ was not loaded because its MIME type, "text/problem-with-post-edit-buttontml", is not "text/css".
Source File: .ca/
Line: 0
Warning: Error in parsing value for 'height'. Declaration dropped.
Source File: .ca/
Line: 280
error details : height: px;
Warning: Error in parsing value for 'filter'. Declaration dropped.
Source File: .ca/wp-content/plugins/featured-content-gallery/css/
Line: 100
error details : filter:alpha(opacity=20);
There are a about 5 more messages like these above. I only copied the first 3
Is it possible that featured gallery plug in could all of these problem ?
By the way , the featured gallery displays on I.E., but not on Firefox .
Meanwhile I will deactivate it and also remove it temporarily from my theme style .
However, I have also 2 pages of error messages like these :
Warning: Error in parsing value for 'display'. Declaration dropped.
Source File:
Line: 0
Warning: Unknown property 'border-radius'. Declaration dropped.
Source File:
Line: 1
Warning: Unknown property 'zoom'. Declaration dropped.
Source File:
Line: 1
Warning: Error in parsing value for 'filter'. Declaration dropped. Source File: Line: 1
I am completely clueless about the meaning of any of these
first, featured content gallery is known to conflict with WordPress since it uses mootools and WP uses jquery... since those two js libraries share namespace, many conflicts are known to occur... sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt...
search our forum for many workarounds for fcg and many other plugins that users have used instead... easy way is to tell fcg not to load on forum page since its not needed (it should only load on needed pages anyways!)
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
The featured gallery was only on main page .not post pages, pages or forum.
I did deactivate it and removed the its code from main template
<!– begin featured content –>
<div class="box"><div class="buffer">
<h2>Featured Content</problem-with-post-edit-button2>
<div class="featured"><?php include (ABSPATH . '/wp-content/plugins/featured-content-gallery/gallery.php'); ?></div>
<!– end featured content –>
from my template , but still the errors are all the same .
i still cannot load any images or log in from firefox.
Please see my messages above I copied some of the curent error messages, that is forum and after the featured gallery was remove,.
There are 2 pages of errors and like I said I have no idea what they mean or how to fix this .
most of those are not errors, but warnings and not really that important - ie the property and css warnings... but the first one about the mime type is of concern...
can you make a quick edit to simple-forum/library/sf-ahah-handler.php? near the top, you will find
header("Content-Type: text/problem-with-post-edit-buttontml; charset=".get_option('blog_charset'));
could you try moving that line to after these lines
if (array_key_exists('sf_ahah', $wp->query_vars))
as to logging in, are you sure you are allowing cookies in FF? and still would like a link to your site...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
1. This error message is gone, after i deleted th featured content gallery .
Error: The stylesheet /wp-content/plugins/featured-content-gallery/css/ was not loaded because its MIME type, "text/problem-with-post-edit-buttontml", is not "text/css".
Source File: .ca/
Line: 0
I am in Cpanel , I don't know where to look for
I checked Firefox and cookies are enabled
well if that message is gone, then never mind my suggestion...
so whats left? just cant log in?
what about that link to your site???
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
O.K. there are still these issues :
- can not load avatars and images . the loading symbol keeps going, and going but no pictures load.
- html same thing .I click on html editor, no code will appear
- the editor tools do not show up .I cannot move,delete or make topics sticky
Another curious thing .Guest can view the forum when coming
blog>forum>post> they can read posts
However when referred by search engine, some times they get the page saying
:you cannot post without being logged in or similar ?
Sorry, such a long list .
I will give you the link , ********
May I ask, that you remove it from public view please , after finding my site .
Giving my ignorance,all I need is me inviting any hackers .
Thank youvery much for your help ,Sir ,
I will pack it in for today .
well, I viewed many pages in your site and had no errors... of course, most of the issues you report, I cannot check out because I dont have those kind of permissions as guest...
do you have a url example of the search engine pages that are a problem?
when you say the editor tools dont show up, have you actually enabled them??
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World