Support Forum
I believe I have enabled them .
I went to Forum>Admins>Global Admin option>display admin tool icons also
ticked > display admin bar in >your admin options .
This correct ?
I forgot to mention again.The forum is still only displaying on part of the page . (middle)
I would like it to fill the right side as well.
As for the url .
F.e. when I use statounter it will give me the links via visitors (guest) come to my page .When I tested them as a guest
(without logging myself in) I cannot read the post ( I have guest can view Forum enabled)
Here is a link
It gets an access denied message .Visitors are unable to read posts
However ,when guest go . > Forum>Coupons>post they willl be able to read this post as a guest .
Would you kindly deleted this link again ,please .
Thank you.
first, that link wont work because its supposedly in a forum called 'grocery coupons' which you dont have... the location you say does work is for a forum called 'coupons'... thats not the same forum... so guessing at some point you did have a 'grocery coupons' forum and you changed the name but not before your site was indexed by search engines...
yes, just enabling the option in the global admin is enough. on forum view or topic view, you should now have a computer looking icon that you can click on in the post icon row to pull up the admin tools...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I can see an icon called tool on my post page . (to the left of online,edit,report, )
But when I click on this it is like I said, the admin tools do not display .
I have tried this for days and just now again to double check .
The icon keeps loading and loading,but will not display the tools and at the bottom of my screen left side it says :""error""
This tool and the image and avatar upload and the html problems seem to be related ?
yes almost certainly they are related and it comes back to the very beginning of this thread.
You must have script problems. At the end of the day you need to deactivate plugins until things start working. if that doesn't fix it try using the Wp default theme - if it works then then you know the probem lies with the theme.
I think I might know what has happened .
I just did a test install of my theme plus simple press forum on a ""blank"" wp test blog.Zero plug ins .
It does work . (image,avatars uploads ,sticky )
So my theme is not to blame .
I also tried deactivating all plug ins, but problems were still there .
Now thinking back , I think I messed up the forum .
In the beginning when I could not work out the side bar display issues ,
I uninstalled the forum using
wp dashboard > deactive plugin simple press .> uninstall forum .
When I reinstalled the forum again to make it work , I was surprised the forum categories and tags were all still there .
Maybe I uninstalled it incorrectly and some of the files are corrupted .
Do I start all over again with complete removal ?
after the uninstall, then deactivate the plugin... all db data will be erased... then activate and install the plugin again...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
no... just like I said...
1) use the proper uninstall option – Admin > Forum > Toolbox >
2) deactivate the plugin
3) activate the plugin
4) install the plugin
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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I did the reinstall and it is still not working .
- I deactived all the plugins .
- deactivated all the widgets
no change
when I am on forum post page and try to insert images
it says "done with errors "" and java script on left bottom .
Still the media and image uploader
keeps loading, endlessly no image upload possible .
it says "done with errors "" and java script on left bottom page.
I also set my blog to wp default theme and the same thing .
Does not work on default either . ( image , avatars ,admin manage bars etc. )
I am out of ideas???
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