Support Forum
Seen it before, but now I can't find the instructions how to add the group to the breadcrumbs.
And I'm wondering whether I can change the name displayed for the forum page to "Home" in the breadcrumbs too (without changing the page name because it looks good in the URL.)
Thanks for any pointers!
please look here:
you will find that in the spHeadDesktop.php template file... as always, you should use a child theme (or custom theme)... just set groupLink=1 in the function arguments..
and for mobile, dont forget about:
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
At the top of the page is says:
FAQ / Mohave. Not clickable. Where does that come from and why is it there? Note that it's REVERSED from the breadcrumbs.
I want to change two things in the breadcrumbs:
1) Mohave needs to be changed to Home.
2) I need to add the groups.
Looking at
So, I do this?
‘homeText’: HOME
‘groupLink’ => 1
But I have NO idea what to do with that. This does NOTHING:
sp_BreadCrumbs('tagClass=spLeft homeText: HOME, groupLink => 1 spBreadCrumbs&tree=0&icon=&homeIcon=sp_CrumbsHome.png&truncate=35', __sp('Home')) ;
I added commas, deleted commas and now my eyes are about to fall out. Are there some examples somewhere or any directions on what to actually do?
As always, much appreciate pointers!
Christine Baker said
So I just installed a child theme, finally. Now I have no idea what to do.At the top of the page is says:
FAQ / Mohave. Not clickable. Where does that come from and why is it there? Note that it's REVERSED from the breadcrumbs.
That just looks like the page title to me which, incidentally, is NOT displayed by the Simple:Press theme templates but by your WordPress theme.
This can be changed by the SP options under Components > SEO. Or it can be totally removed in Options > General Display Settings. However, it must be stressed that some WordPress themes also try and manipulate the page title in some way which can mess with the SP settings or override them completely.
I want to change two things in the breadcrumbs:
1) Mohave needs to be changed to Home.
2) I need to add the groups.Looking at
So, I do this?
‘homeText’: HOME
‘groupLink’ => 1
But I have NO idea what to do with that. This does NOTHING:
sp_BreadCrumbs('tagClass=spLeft homeText: HOME, groupLink => 1 spBreadCrumbs&tree=0&icon=&homeIcon=sp_CrumbsHome.png&truncate=35', __sp('Home')) ;
I added commas, deleted commas and now my eyes are about to fall out. Are there some examples somewhere or any directions on what to actually do?
These template display functions use the same format and rules as WordPress display functions to pass their parameters. Each parameter is separated by an ampersand and each parameter has a pre-defined name and value separated by an equals sign. You can quite clearly see this by all the parameters that were already shown in the function above.
So - what you probably want is:
sp_BreadCrumbs('tagClass=spLeft spBreadCrumbs&tree=0&icon=&homeIcon=sp_CrumbsHome.png&truncate=35&homeText=HOME&groupLink=1', __sp('Home'));
To be honest - the best example is already there and you just need to use the same format.
No worries! Glad we could help and that it's now where you want it.
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
A little update on the page title, the FAQ | Mohave. I checked my theme and then other install and there's no title. Finally found the SP OPTION to NOT display the title. And it works perfectly in my other install, but does NOTHING on this one. Same theme, server, everything. Finally just edited it out in the theme, so it's all good.
But I sure don't get why that option to hide the title didn't work. Just an FYI in case someone else has that problem, I'm good now.
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