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sorry, please let you know what? are we still talking about the popup dialog and the nav menu? this theme is also using a z-index for the nav menu that is greater than the z-index of our popup window...
if you do not understand z-index, its a priority ordering number... the higher the number, the higher it will be in display order... most wp themes do not use a z-index for nav menus or anything else... some do, like the two you have used...
we pick a z-index of our suff... if a wp theme picks a z-index higher, it will show on top... one cannot pick a 'max' number that is universal... so we could pick a number X, but if a theme picked X+1, it wins... we could go higher but so could they... its life in wp when you have multiple themes/plugins attempting to control the same element...
the css change I gave you earlier is still valid for this wp theme...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World please let me know why I can't use on this theme?
i send you the acc and pass
so you switched from popup window to new topic... okay, cannot read minds... 😉
its probably because the theme in use now (emeral?) violates the wp standards... its loading its own versions of jquery and jquery ui...
<script type='text/javascript' src='//'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='//'></script>
these will then conflict with the versions of jquery and jquery ui that WordPress already comes with and wants to load... and these versions are very, very old (and outdated) that its loading...
Other wp plugins that use the WordPress version, may not work when a theme explicitly loads a version other than the ones that come with and are meant for use with WordPress...
the wp devs have been trying to come up with methods for preventing themes from thrashing like this, but have not come up with a good way yet...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
the dialogs are not a 'problem'' with either... its just two things 'arguing' over shard resource...
the second where its violating wp standards and loading its own stuff, yes, that is a theme problem... not sure how you would expect us or any other wp plugin to test with the theme's own private copy of jquery and jquery ui... wp provides versions of them for a reason - to provide a known, consistent environment for plugins to co-exist in..
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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